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Astrology for Beginners: Shartayn Range of the Moon and Astrology

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

"And He made the moon a light among them, and made the sun a lamp (illuminating and burning)."

Surah Noah, Verse 16

Shartayn Range


Ibn Arabi states that the name of this range is the Range of the Shartayn (Netac) and the name of the range is al-Bedi. This name refers to everything that is worshiped (created without example) and to the first mind. The first mind is the pen. El-Bedi[1] creates Elif/Hamze (ء ا ) from the letters and its degrees, and the abjad value of this letter is the number 1. It is directed by the self-divine help originating from the breath. Allah says: “The Lord of the heavens and the earth.”

Ibn Arabi states that the name of this range is the Range of the Shartayn (Netac) and the name of the range is al-Bedi. This name refers to everything that is worshiped (created without example) and to the first mind. The first mind is the pen. El-Bedi[1] creates Elif/Hamze (ء ا ) from the letters and its degrees, and the abjad value of this letter is the number 1. It is directed by the self-divine help originating from the breath. Allah says: “The Lord of the heavens and the earth.”
Astrology for Beginners: Shartayn Range of the Moon and Astrology

The condition is sought between 0 - 12 degrees Aries. In this mansion of the moon, "If you are grateful, we increase." According to the verse, starting new things can cause deficiencies in things. You should not start new things unless you have to. In the verse of Allah; He says, “For those who add, there is an addition”. The addition can only be thought of after the existence of the essential thing. When the amount of the original thing is known, the addition is learned so that it is not thought that the addition is not original. After this teaching, instead of starting something new, it is useful to focus on the things that continue, to know the existence of the original, and to reach the consciousness that the additions in the next mansions are not original. This intuition; They help clever engineers, produce arts, reveal strange-unknown shapes, and get help in this mansion. In addition, help reaches people of freedom and servitude[1].

In the work called Şemsül Marifül Kübra, it was taken as Şarteyn Station. When the moon comes to this mansion, it is fiery and ominous. Such a spirit descends here that corruption and bloodshed are seen on Earth. Wise people who understand and know the situation remain motionless at such a time. Some of them say that at such a time in their sleep they had dreams that would frighten them and corrupt their morals. Those who do not sleep at such a time should take action against those who keep or create the path of evil and evil. People born at this time become wicked and corrupt. Its incense is black pepper and black grain[2]. When the stars of the charter station appear and emerge on April 10, the sun descends to the iklil mansion[3].

Safa Brotherhood also refers to this range as Şarteyn. When the Moon hits the beginning of the sign of Aries, it is up to twelve degrees of it. He is fiery and sinister. It is appropriate in that time period to do things related to women. At that time, new clothes are avoided and all work is abandoned. At this degree, the spirit that establishes contact with the souls of kings and sultans takes action. Wrath, attacks with the intent to kill, bloodshed, persecution are seen in them. Then it covers the whole realm. This occurs in each according to his strength and the power given to him. Not suitable for any occasion other than those about women. Whoever gets married on this day will be lucky with the woman. The woman will be lucky with him. Buy slaves, mounts, sheep and cattle this month. Then plant trees, plant, reap, build a house. Their results are beautiful. Do not establish fellowship with anyone on that day; because the love of lovers does not last long in this time. Don't buy anything for day trading. Because the result will not be good. Never be busy that day with talismans and invitations. If the person born on that day is a man, he will be a sinner, evil, ruthless and will not take any responsibility in any business. If she is a girl, she becomes a sinner and a prostitute, and in the eyes of men, she becomes a lucky, favorite and desirable woman[4].


[1] The dictionary meaning of the word Bedi' means "the one who invents something without an example and model, and is created without an example and model". As a matter of fact, in the verse that means "He is the unique creator of the heavens and the earth" (al-Baqara 2/117) in the Qur'an, the badi' refers to this meaning. As a literary term, bedî means the science that examines the methods and rules of the expression knitted with literary arts to be perfect in wording, reasonable in meaning and at the same time having a harmony. Regarding the dictionary meaning, Beşşar b. Burd, Kulsum b. Amr al-Attabi etc. II. Some critics called the innovation that the new (muhdes) poets who lived in the 8th century (Muslim) brought to poetry by leaving the style of the old (ancient) poets in literary arts based on wording and form, and called it bedi' in the sense of "new style". Câhiz (d. 255/869) explains with examples in al-Beyân ve't-tebyîn that the word bedî' is used by the narrators for all kinds of literary and rhetorical skills that add color and beauty to poetry. It also points out that this word has now started to gain the identity of a literary term that includes different subjects of rhetoric and expands its scope (I, 51; IV, 55-56).

[2] Ibn Arabi, Futuhatı Mekkiyye, Translated by Ekrem Demirli, Istanbul: Litera Publishing, Vol 9, 5th Edition 2020, p: 47

[3] Imam Ahmet Bin Ali El-Buni, Şemsül Marifül Kübra (The Sun of the Suns), Istanbul: Esma Publications, Volume 1, Çvr: H. Mustafa VARLI, P: 75 – 76

[4] Imam Ahmet Bin Ali El-Buni, Şemsül Marifül Kübra (The Sun of Suns), İstanbul: Esma Publications, Volume 1, Çvr: H. Mustafa VARLI, P: 95

[5] Ikhvan-i Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Publications, Istanbul: Kayhan Printing, Vol.4, 1st Edition, 2014, Pg: 300


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