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Astrology and the Relationship of the Four Elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water)

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

The four elements we learned from the ancient sages are fire, air, earth and water; In today's modern science, hydrogen has been transformed into oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. As we will all realize from a scientific point of view, the world we live in is made up of gases and various combinations of energy. If we deepen our contemplation on the advice of Nikola Tesla "If you want to understand the universe, think with the laws of energy, frequency and vibration", we will understand that the only thing that distinguishes a person from a stone is that its vibration and frequency are different from that stone. that is. Therefore, all things that come from the combination of various combinations of energy are essentially the frequency and vibrational differences of this energy. In this case, the energy that comes into being from the first moment that a human being appears as a dolphin and after the first breath he takes, continues to exist as long as the flow continues.

Dünya içerisinde vücut bulan şeylerin tamımı da bundan payını almaktadır ki Nikola Tesla’nın dikkat çektiği “Evreni anlamak istiyorsanız enerji, frekans ve titreşim yasalarıyla düşünün” tavsiyesi üzerine tefekkürümüzü derinleştirirsek, anlayacağız ki esasında insanı bir taştan ayıran tek şey titreşiminin ve frekansının, o taştan farklı olmasıdır. Dolayısıyla enerjinin çeşitli kombinasyonlarının birleşiminden meydana gelen tüm şeyler, esasında bu enerjisinin frekans ve titreşim farklılıklarından ibarettir.
Astrology and the Relationship of the Four Elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water)

After stepping into the unknown called life, everything we receive with our senses consists of four elements and comes into being with the combination of the fifth element, which the ancient philosophers called ether or ether. What distinguishes man from these things is that a sixth being, an unknown like the ether, is the divine essence or spirit's use of the human body as a vehicle. Another thing that separates man from other things is that while the four elements and all of the ether are present in certain proportions; In things, however, these five elements exist in various combinations.

Of these elements, water is also scientific. Because it is a scientific ledun, it is related to water, senses and timelessness. It is one's feelings, reactions to events and situations, and a kind of metaphysical form of consciousness. Air, on the other hand, is the opposite of water, an element associated with intellectual, intellectual and time. Time is a concept that can be perceived and measured by the senses and is only an entity for the mind. The earth element, on the other hand, points to the whole of the experiences gained by physical contact on the road, and therefore to know physically, while living time in timelessness and moving from point A to point B. Finally, we can say that the element of fire is the catalyst that informs the effects of the elements of air and water to the element of earth, so that we can perceive the time we live in timelessness, and the light that brings the darkness between physics and metaphysics to the light.

As a result of this information, we can say that those who are subject to water signs are in the concept of metaphysics and timelessness; On the other hand, those who are in the earth sign may prefer to live in their inner world with less communication and movement compared to the other two elements, without transferring their energies much in physics and timeliness. Those who are subject to fire signs desire to live and create in a state of continuous expansion, to produce and to exist in life at any moment. Those who are subject to air signs also have the same feelings as fire signs, but the difference between them is that they exhibit an expansionary, sometimes destructive style of action like the fire nature, while the air sign comes into contact with the masses with the intellect.

However, when we talk about the nature of the zodiac signs, we should not forget that we interpret them by considering the elements. So basically you can be Cancer but your dominant element can be fire and earth. This is related to the weight of the placements of variables such as ascendant sign, clustered planets, moon sign, lunar nodes. However, when we want to evaluate the four elements on the basis of the Astrological Zodiac, it is obvious that we should also consider the leading, fixed and variable characteristics of the zodiac signs. In this case, if we consider that the energy of the pioneer signs that initiates something and gives the first movement, that the energy is not stagnant and is always expanding, we can say that the fire in the leading signs is still a spark, water is a drop, the earth is an island and the air is a light breeze before the storm.

The element of a sign indicates the type of consciousness with which the person is in harmony and the method of perception directly. Air signs are associated with the sensation, perception and expression of the mind (especially associated with geometric thought forms). Fire signs (appearing as enthusiasm, love, or ego) show the warming, radiating, energizing life principle. Water signs symbolize the principle of sensitivity and emotional response that cools, heals, soothes. Earth signs indicate harmony with the physical world of forms, the capacity to use and apply the material world[1].

So, when interpreting horoscopes according to the four elements, we should consider that it is important in which signs the placements of the planets are. We can say that the element and quality of each planet, the sign in which it is placed, shows the energy and harmony of the person with the energy. Planets represent fundamental forces or active centers in our solar system, which are often seen as basic psychological functions, drives, needs, and drives[2]. In this case, it is possible to say that the planets affect how the person presents himself to the outside world according to the signs in which they are located, and how the divine energy that manifests in this world we live in is processed by the person.

In psychological astrology, planets are also classified within themselves. Sun and Moon, Eros and Logos, Anima and Animus, which are primarily considered as two lights; It gives us the knowledge of how a person introduces himself to the world under the influence of the Sun, that is, his personality, and how his inner world, feelings, intuitions, in short, reflect himself internally, with the influence of the Moon. Secondly, Mercury, where we analyze intelligence and communication, Venus reflecting our consciousness of love and compassion, and finally Mars, where we learn how we reflect our energy to the world, are taken into account. It allows us to analyze the impulsive and conscious behaviors of the person with the place and things in which he was born after the first two planets reflecting the physical and metaphysical existence of the person and after these two beings became one and the duality became one.

After the first five planets, Saturn, the teacher with a stick, and Jupiter, the mystical mystic, come. These planets, which we can say to be the third group, convey information to us about the consciousness and collective consciousness of the person rather than the person. Therefore, the information obtained from these planets is deeper, intricate and difficult to interpret. Because these planets give information about the volume we occupy in space, not how we reflect ourselves to the outside. These planets represent the deeper trajectories of tradition, security and stability (Saturn) and aspirations for the future, a sense of adventure, risk taking and personal growth (Jupiter)[3].

Finally, we can talk about the fourth group of planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which were discovered in the past centuries. Here, in fact, Uranus is with Mercury; Neptune is associated with Venus and finally Pluto with Mars, but the different side of the relationship is that the second group of planets is our projection of ourselves into the environment we are in, while the fourth group planets are the generational planets that collectively represent the transformations and shifts of the energies of the peoples of the earth. It enhances the evolution of the masses and the sense of unity with the whole, through the collective influence of the energy flows that cannot be clearly expressed, such as divine energy, inspiration, intuition, intellect, understanding, manifested by the generation planets to the world, but whose unity is the deepest, even after reaching the body. It also shows the effects that he can experience his feelings and desires simultaneously.

As a result of all this information, the planets and the ascendant, MC, IC, etc., which are astrologically important. When we score over 100 as a result of the zodiac signs in which important variables such as zodiac signs are placed, the distribution of elements in a birth chart can give us information about the character of the person in general, as well as an interpretation and analysis can be made by taking into account which planet, which zodiac sign, and which element and quality it is associated with, piece by piece. For example, the Sun is the planet that creates our personal identity, it will cause us to be more introverted in water and earth signs, and more extroverted in fire and air signs. At the same time, the fact that the sign it is in is leading, fixed and variable will also be effective. We can say that while the pioneer fire spreads the energy of expanding its existence more aggressively, the fixed fire will become self-conscious and desire to be known rather than expand, and the variable fire will turn inward and continue to burn on its own.

However, as we have stated, in this training, we will analyze which energies a person uses in life and what kind of experience he or she cannot present in this life, by considering only the element combinations in the birth chart. It is possible to use various applications that develop in the field of astrology on your mobile phones to see the distribution of the elements in the birth chart of the person.


[1] Stephan ARROYO, Astrology, Psychology and The Four Elements, Çvr: Barış İLHAN ( Astrology, Phychology and The Four Elements), Barış İlhan Publishing House, 2016, SYF – 92

[2] Stephan ARROYO, Astrology, Psychology and The Four Elements, Çvr: Barış İLHAN ( Astrology, Phychology and The Four Elements), Barış İlhan Publishing House, 2016, SYF – 94

[3] Stephan ARROYO, Astrology, Psychology and The Four Elements, Çvr: Barış İLHAN ( Astrology, Phychology and The Four Elements), Barış İlhan Publishing House, 2016, SYF – 95



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