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Taurus and Natural House of Taurus Second House

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

Surely We have formed constellations in the sky and have given it a beautiful appearance for those who watch.

Hicr 16.



Taurus (Taurus, Sevres) covers the interval between April 21 and May 20. Because it is a transit sign, it covers three ranges from the Moon's ranges. Its nature is dry and cold, its element is soil by nature, and the soil is still in its infancy. We can explain this as follows; The land rising from the sea in Taurus has just started to show itself and what we see is only the visible part of the land. Taurus is a natural inhabitant of the Second House and its dominant keywords are endurance, perseverance and ambition. The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus and therefore the ruling planet of the Second House is Venus.

Boğa Burcu (Taurus, Sevr) 21 Nisan ve 20 Mayıs aralığını kapsamaktadır. Geçiş burcu olması nedeniyle Ay’ın menzillerinden üç menzil kapsamaktadır. Tabiatı kuru soğuk olup, tabiatı itibarıyla unsuru topraktır ve burada toprak henüz başlangıç aşamasındadır. Bunu şöyle izah edebiliriz; Boğa burcunda denizden yükselen toprak henüz kendisini göstermeye başlamıştır ve gördüğümüz, kara parçasının sadece görünen kısmıdır. Boğa burcu hanelerden İkinci Ev’in tabii sakinidir ve baskın anahtar kelimeleri dayanıklılık, azim ve hırstır. Boğa Burcu’nun yönetici gezegeni Venüs’tür ve dolayısıyla İkinci Ev’in yönetici gezegeni de Venüs’tür.
Astrology for Beginners: Taurus and House of Taurus 2nd House

The friendly sign of Taurus is Cancer, and the enemy sign is Leo. Its sex is female, metal copper, its day is Friday and its night is Tuesday. Among the elements, its friend is water and its enemy is air. Water nourishes the soil in the beginning stage and supports the soil in its production. Air causes erosion and weakening of the soil.

We talked about the fact that it would be possible to make inferences about the general characteristics of the zodiac signs with the information we obtained with the presupposition that we have knowledge of the planets and the ranges of the Moon in our previous horoscope. However, it is worth noting here that when it comes to Doğan's map, the comments we have made generally will leave its place to personal analyzes.

First of all, the nature of the planet Venus is dry cold, its element is earth, and the enemy element is air. The reason why the coldness and dryness of the soil element coexist is stiffness and adhesion; Its back is a place and shelter for living things, and its belly is the beginning and source for mines and plants. Since all stones are related to the soil, they are naturally heavy, descending, solidified in dryness, and cannot be melted. However, metals are aquatic and can be melted. Metals are created from a viscous water, the silver color of the water lives in them[1]. Its keywords are rhetoric, verse, warmth, light, dialectic, critical thinking, absence, existence, abundance, order, embodiment, beauty, description, familiarity, productivity, harmony, beauty, love, love, attraction and cuteness. Earth, which is the element of Taurus, is the mother of the elements. It is the object, subject and receiver of all celestial rays and effects. The seed of everything is hidden in the soil. Soil is the first source, foundation, center and beginning.

After repeating the information about Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, and the earth from the elements, it will be useful to analyze the characteristics of the three ranges of the Moon covered by Taurus, in order to make healthier interpretations. After this repetition, the characters of those born under this sign can be interpreted by dividing them into three different personality traits. However, the features mentioned here are generally valid comments.

The first range covered by Taurus is Süreyya. Sureyya's equivalent in Arabic letters is Ayn ( ﻉ ) and her name is El-Batin. This range is related to the universal nature/nature and the inner.

The second range covered by Taurus is Duburan, Deberan, Diras. The Arabic equivalent of Diras is Ha ( ح ) and its name is Al-Ahir. This range is related to universal matter and primordial matter.

The last range covered by Taurus is Hek'a, Meysan's range. The Arabic letter equivalent of this range is Gayn ( ﻍ ) and its name is Ez-Zahir. This range is the universal Body and manifest.

First of all, we can say that those who have personality analysis based on Süreyya Range, the first range of the Moon partially covered by Taurus, generally focus on the invisible and are concerned with the spiritual and metaphysical. So much so that the desire to be one with the universal nature, as in the Shaman Cult, attracts them to nature. These people are extremely compassionate towards nature, nature and animals. These people live in harmony not only with nature, but also with people. Their beauty cannot be limited to their physical appearance, the inside is just as beautiful. Their cute and loving personalities allow them to make friends easily and their friendships are long-lasting. Anyone who, once seduced by their charms, can never give up on these people. Although their lives pass with ups and downs, they generally live in abundance. Although according to some, abundance is evaluated only from a materialist point of view, the concept of abundance is different for these people, they do not only approach abundance as materialist. These people, who are sensitive and calm, usually have calmness in their eyes. Regardless of the job, they will be successful in that job and make their job practical. They are knowledgeable people and can talk at length on various topics, they are people whose words and conversations are listened to because they speak well.

Secondly, we can say that those who have character analysis based on the Duburan Range, which is the second range of the Moon carried by Taurus, are generally more interested in the outside, unlike those born in the first range. Although this is seen as a contrast between the two characters, it allows us to realize the differences in the behavior of two different people born under a sign, and the current duality. These people are highly satisfied with their relationship with the substance; Although they do not form an emotional connection with matter, they love their comfort zones, shiny jewels, luxury and beautiful life. Those born in this range of the Moon generally like to criticize rather than be criticized. They criticize almost everyone and everything. They have dialectical thinking abilities and a strong photographic memory. They are productive people and they are constantly working on existence. These studies should not be thought of only in terms of earnings. They live a good life and their lives are filled with abundance. They do not live lives with many ups and downs, but they are people who feel the absence in existence because their metaphysical side is missing. They are people who get angry quickly but forget their anger quickly. They are people who like to sleep, are forgetful and do not know how to keep secrets.

Finally, it is possible to say that those born in the Hek'a range, one of the ranges of the Moon partially carried by the Taurus Sign, generally have a character in which the opposite character structures of those born in the first two ranges combine to achieve intimacy. For these people, material existence is one in absence, and they do not rejoice when it happens, and they do not grieve when it is not. They desire to accumulate goods and money, but are reckless in their preservation. They have fully achieved the physical and metaphysical balance, and the universal body has come to life in these people. If these people have the characteristics of their zodiac sign, we can say that they are a guide, a statement about how to be human. When they speak, they speak clearly and beautifully; Their writings are as clear and beautiful as their oral expressions. They are friendly and affectionate towards people. They wish their lives to be peaceful, but they find it difficult to explain their feelings and what is in their hearts. To guide the lost people and spirits; They are happy to shed light on their financial or spiritual paths on the path they walk. However, they can also be stubborn and cheating when angry. Their lust is also high and they are very eager in terms of sexuality.

Second House: Money / Property House


In the Ikhwan-i Safa Treatises, the Second House ruled by Taurus is defined as follows;

“The second house is called beytülmal. It signifies collecting, hoarding, reasons for life, their states, receiving and giving. The movement of the first triangle points to wealth, the second to auxiliaries and life, and the third to wealth and grace[1].”

As it can be understood, the Second House is in the map of nature; it gives information about the physical acquisition of property, the helpers that may possibly come on this path, and life, and finally the unknown and indescribable blessing and grace. Information about earning money and the qualities of owning, receiving and giving property is obtained from this household. In this process, it is also possible to get information about the events that will help or harm the birth, and the people who can support and hinder the processes they encounter. Finally, he can make inferences about at what stage of his life he will be able to attain abundance, fertility and a peaceful state.

In short, the second House, whose natural sign is Taurus, is naturally ruled by Venus, and the element of the ruling planet is Water. The element of the zodiac is the earth, and the soil receives support from Water to feed, grow and develop. We can say that the keywords of the Second House are “money, wealth, earnings”. While analyzing the chart of the Nature, the planet or planets in the Second House in his chart and their relations with other planets should be analyzed.

[1] Ikhvan-i Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Publications, Istanbul: Kayhan Printing, Vol.4, 1st Edition, 2014, Page: 258

[2] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Occult Philosophy or Philosophy of Magic, Translated by Levent Özşer, İstanbul: Byblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Press, Vol 1, 4th Edition 2020, p: 40



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