“I swear to the places of the stars that if you know, that is a really big vow. “
Vakıa 75
Continuity of existence can only be achieved by "balance". The universe is built on duality, and existence can exist as long as it realizes the unity in duality and maintains balance. Otherwise, a part of it will be missing, it will be missing. The realm is the great present, the micro-entity that contains the human realm, that is the realm within the realm. Just as blood spreads from the heart to all organs, divine manifestation is spreading from one organ to another in the world at every moment.

Just as the health of the body is important for the human body to be healthy, to grow and develop, to take shape and to live life in health and happiness; Similarly, divine manifestation, like the blood in the body, spreads its metaphysical manifestation cyclically in the universe at every moment for the health of its existence.
This manifestation is more easily perceived by people, especially in times of need, because the demander, like someone thirsty for water, will not stop demanding until he reaches what he wants. While the substance behind the image, filled with this desire, thinks that the truths have changed in essence without taking on other forms, he will realize that in fact, not the truth, but the judgments, and that the judgment eventually returns to the truth, and will reach the secret of the change that manifests itself at every moment. Even though man demands more than he gives, Jupiter, who lives in space, insists on giving more than he receives and mediates manifestation.
It is the largest planet in the solar system and the second of the outer planets. Its dense atmosphere obscures the view of the planet itself, but gives it a luminosity that sometimes appears equal to that of Venus. Jupiter has a distinct differential orbit, similar in many respects to the Sun. Surface events are enormous and short-lived, and above all produce energy, more than it receives from the Sun. In addition to being the largest planet, it is the brightest planet after Venus when in opposition. Therefore, Jupiter is easy to observe; Even with binoculars it is possible to see the planet and the four main moons around it.
The famous red spot seen while observing the planet is caused by a gigantic hurricane that has been wreaking havoc on Jupiter's atmosphere for at least three centuries. Planetary scientists believe that this event is long-lived and variable. Its colored horizontal bands are caused by strong winds and convective movements that mix the gases of the atmosphere. Hot gases go up in light-colored regions and become crystals there and descend into dark-colored regions. Dominant colors consist of ammonia and hydrosulfide in dense clouds of yellow, orange and red-orange, and more intense colors consist of fluorine compounds.
Jupiter's mass is large enough to cause deviations in the orbits of asteroids and comets. Jupiter makes a full rotation every 9 hours and 50 minutes. Jupiter is predominantly a gaseous body and emits a higher amount of energy than it receives from the Sun. If Jupiter were a little larger, nuclear fusion reactions could be observed and become a binary star in our system, as in the case of the Sun, but Jupiter's mass is not enough for this. Due to its low temperature, it failed to become a star. As a result of the high rotational speed, there is an intense magnetic field originating from the planet. Jupiter has four moons named Io, Europa, Ganimede and Calliston[1].
It was believed that Jupiter, king of the gods, oversees public morals and the most important affairs of the Roman state, namely treaties, declarations of war, and promises made to the people. As the god of the sky that nourishes the earth, Jupiter was considered responsible for the fertility of the fields. Known as the defender of the republic, Jupiter has been worshiped as a Liber[2] for centuries[3]. Jupiter's wife is Iona and his daughter is Minerva. While Iona is associated with birth and fertility, Minerva is associated with warfare, trade and medicine[4]. The god known as Jupiter in Roman mythology is known as Zeus in Greek mythology. Similarly, in his capacity as king of kings, he functions as the protector of the kingdom. In Greek city-states, he established a government determined by order and justice by ensuring that the promises were fulfilled and maintaining the peace[5].
“Behold, Yusuf to his father, Daddy, indeed I saw 11 stars, the Sun and the Moon. I saw that they were bowing to me. “
(Joseph, Quran, Verse 4)
The Islamic Philosopher Ibn Arabi mentions in his allegory about the sixth sky that Moses meets the imitator and Bercis (Jupiter) meets the rationalist. Moses gives the imitator twelve thousand knowledge apart from the sciences of rotation and the spheres. The divine manifestation manifests itself in the forms of belief and needs, that Allah can only be seen in needy, that the one who asks always needs what he demands, that the forms are abstracted from the substances and dressed in other forms, that the one who is ignorant of the truth will think that the truths have changed, and that in fact the truth does not change, the secret of transformation and change, and “What have you got, O Moses? It is my staff.” He taught the secret of his address[6].
Subsequently, every scientific issue that occurred on Thursday, Hz. He says it is from the spirit of Moses. Every sublime work created by the element of fire and air originates from the Client's swimming, and every lowly work consisting of the element of water and earth originates from his destiny. The region belonging to this Bedel is the second region. The sciences, herbs and customs that take place in his name today and in other days, are knowing the reasons for goodness and good morals, knowing the worship that brings them closer to the Truth, the knowledge of accepting deeds and knowing where they will reach with their owners[7]. The motto of this Bedel is the verse "The sea would run out before the words of my Lord were exhausted". This is the station of God's knowledge and its connection is endless. Knowledge is second in the ranking of qualifications. Because the first of the qualities is life, after that comes knowledge[8].
Agrippa, in his work called The Secret Philosophy, says that for good there is an understanding, for evil there is a spirit. It is said that if the trace of the following table with the powerful, ruler Jupiter is traced on a silver plate, it will lead to gain, wealth, favoritism, love, peace, harmony, pacification of enemies, and will lead to honors, values, consultations[9].
Air among the elements, blood among the waters, the spirit of life, all that nourishes and nurtures life. Flavors that are sweet and pleasant. Tin, silver, gold gb. Soft metals. Yemenite, beryl, sapphire, emerald, green jade, air-colored, cyan ones. Basil, gum tree, zeravent, violet, henbane, poplar tree, oak, white fig, apple, pear, plum, ash trees. Nuts, large and heavy animals among animals, moderate and mild-tempered ones such as sheep, lamb and chicken, fish such as dolphin fish, birds such as pelicans, storks and eagles say that they are related to Jupiter[1].
Mustafa İloğlu, who compiles the Treasure of Hidden Sciences, says that this star's friend is the Moon, and its enemy is Mercury. Those born under the influence of the star become pleasure-seeking and gluttonous. They don't know what worry and grief are. They are friendly and cheerful, they talk a lot. They are cute, laughing and cynical. Harisi ikbal, peacemaker, vigorous, religious, religious, organized and hardworking. He knows how to make everyone love him. His word is heard and kept. Munistir likes to do good deeds, they are philanthropic, gracious natured, pure-hearted, free thinkers, freedom-loving, cautious people. It complies with laws, rules, procedures and principles. Those who are under the influence of the client star are those who see everything well. They attach great importance to elegance and politeness[2].
Brotherhood of Ikhwan-i Safa indicates that the spiritual forces that permeate the whole realm emanate from the Jupiter circle. Natures stand in balance with these forces and unite thanks to opposing forces. They cause births to occur and maintain order in beings. The influences of their spirits in the great realm are the liver that permeates the human body, which is the minor realm. The goodness of the temperament, the moderation of the mixtures and the flow of blood to the organs are realized with it. Thanks to him, the body grows and takes shape, life becomes beautiful, life becomes sweet, and souls find familiarity. His spirit holds in its hands the births of the prophets (pbuh) and the shari'ah holders, the places of angels radiating from his circle, descending from his heavens and coming out of his door, and places of prayer and worship. Beautifully shaped animals that are slaughtered in sacrifices and their meat is distributed as alms and zakat; extremely balanced, very beneficial and camphor-scented plants; moderate vapors from cold to hot and wet to dry; There are white dresses, big turbans and shawls. It is about the shari'ah of philosophers, judges, prophets, and births of those who serve the offices of philosophers. The angels emanating from it are the inhabitants of space and the rulers of the air. "There is no god but Allah, who has no partner. All praise belongs to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made angels with wings of two, three, or four. ... There is no nation without a warning. He has power over all things." It is reserved for those who have pearl, coral, crystal and glass from ores, and fresh waters containing live animals and other things. It belongs to them and they originate from it. The prophets reach the beautiful future and abundant rewards that Allah has prepared for them with his spirituality. Ridvan, the treasurer of Paradise one of them[3].
Lastly, Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, in his work called Marifetname, has been recognized as the "Customer" (Jupiter) star by astronomers. He was given the most blissful name because his nature was just. In the nature and praiseworthy qualities of the client star, the astrologers unanimously said: The client's nature is warm and humid with its softness and being a man of the day; It is named with the great auspicious name. Characteristics of this star; religious zeal, science, humility, generosity, humility, reason, chastity, language clarity and long-speakingness were found. This star dominates Monday night and Thursday. After the sunset of that night and after the sunrise of this day, time clocks are connected to this star[4].
[1] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 1, 4. Basım 2020, syf: 106 – 107 [2] Mustafa İloğlu, ed., Gizli İlimler Hazinesi, İstanbul : Seda Yayınları, Şubat 2013, Cilt. 1, Syf: 53 - 79 [3] İhvan-ı Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul: Kayhan Matbaacılık, Cilt.4, 1. Basım, 2014, Syf: 166 [4] Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, Marifetname, Prof. Dr. Durali Yılmaz, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları, Mart 2016, Cilt 1 Syf: 130 - 218 [1] Gökyüzü Atlası, Evrenin Keşfi : Yıldızlarla, Gezegenler Arasında Bir Yolculuk, İstanbul: 2010 Boyut Yayıncılık, Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş., Syf : 170 – 173 [2] Ferdi hürriyet lehinde hürriyeti destekleyen. Teşebbüs ve Hürriyet haklarını korumak için en iyi vasıta. Devletin varlığını ve kalıcılığını korumak için en iyi vasıta. [3] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 206 [4] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 208 - 210 [5] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 120 [6] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 8.Cilt, 4. Baskı 2017, syf: 50 - 53 [7] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 441 [8] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 442 [9] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 88