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Astrology for The Beginners: Planets and Astrology

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

“He who has no intuition has no knowledge, one who has no knowledge has no substance, one who does not have ore has no arrival, and one who does not have an arrival has no place to stay...”

Ikhwan-us Safa

Talent, patience, feeling cannot be learned, but the basic knowledge necessary to understand the language of the planets and the universe can be learned.

Brotherhood of Ikhwan-us Safa says in their pamphlets, "Those without intuition have no knowledge, those without knowledge have no substance, those without ore have no arrival, and those who do not have a place to stay will not have a place to stay..." and we add to this saying that anyone who does not have a place to stay will be null and void.
Astrology for The Beginners: Planets and Astrology

Brotherhood of Ikhwan-us Safa says in their pamphlets, "Those without intuition have no knowledge, those without knowledge have no substance, those without ore have no arrival, and those who do not have a place to stay will not have a place to stay..." and we add to this saying that anyone who does not have a place to stay will be null and void.

In this case, if you ask how it will be possible to reach existence, to exist, we will have to give an explanation as follows; In the past, people had never been this far from nature, they did not live in multi-storey buildings the size of a village by staying in their 70 square meters houses, and their intuition was strong. A person could tell you the story of a stone he picked up, or Master Architect Sinan, by following the movements of the ivy plant and imitating this plant, built the Selimiye Mosque, which is a masterpiece, and called the "Heliks[1] He could have put forward a work that would pass as ”.

Today, humanity is disconnected from nature, or more accurately, from reality, from real life, from life. This situation blunted people's intuition and caused them to turn into individuals who lacked feeling. However, technological developments have made the world a small village and access to information easier than it used to be.

Our aim with this training; will be to reverse the journey from intuition to knowledge in the past. In other words, we will try to strengthen our intuition by making use of knowledge, science and knowing, and we will try to communicate with planets, stars and nature.

Below are the planets and their rotational velocities that we consider astrologically in our charts, and as a bonus Retro times:

SUN: One tour takes 1 year. It stays in each sign for an average of 30 days. It doesn't move back. It multiplies 1 degree in 1 day.

MOON: One tour takes about 28 days. It stays in a sign for an average of 2.5 days. It doesn't move back. It covers 1 degree in 2 hours on average.

MERCURY: The length of stay in a sign is very variable. When it moves fast, it stays in a sign for an average of 15 days. Its retrograde movement lasts for about 20-24 days and returns on average three or four times a year. It exceeds 1 degree in less than 1 day. It moves back about three weeks every four months.

VENUS: One tour takes about 224 days. It stays in each sign for an average of 25 days. It takes about 40-42 days to go back. It covers 1 degree in an average of 1 day. It moves backwards about 42 days every year and a half.

MARS: One tour takes about 22 months. It stays in each sign for an average of 2 months. It moves backwards by 80 days every two years. It takes an average of 2 days to cover 1 degree. It moves backwards about 90 days every two and a half years.

JUPITER: One revolution takes about 12 years. It stays in each sign for an average of 1 year. Its retrograde movement takes about 4 months. It multiplies 1 degree in 4-5 days on average. In a year and a half, it moves backwards about 120 days.

SATURN: It takes between 29-30 years in one revolution. It stays in a sign for an average of 2.5 years. The return time is about 5 months. It covers 1 degree in 7-8 days on average. It moves backwards by 130 days each year.

URANUS: One trip takes 84 years. It stays in a sign for an average of 7 years. Its retrograde movement takes about five months on average.

NEPTUNE: One trip takes 168 years. It stays in a sign for an average of 14 years. Its retrograde movement takes an average of five and a half months.

PLUTO: One revolution takes 248 years. It stays in a sign for 14-24 years. On average, it moves back about 5-6 months.

While we feel the rotation effects of fast planets much more clearly in transit charts, the heavy ones (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) that we call generational planets are the determinants of social periods rather than individual ones.


“By the sky full of Zodiac signs. To the promised day. To those who testify and those who…”

Surah Sign[2]

Human; His efforts to understand his environment, natural events, lunar eclipses, solar eclipses and the stars shining in the night sky, and the struggle of the day with the night, enabled him to take the first steps towards recognizing the physical characteristics of the universe and beings. Ibn Arabi explains the process of understanding and interpretation in his work Futuhatti Mekkiyye.[3];

“A person stops and this fate turns on him. An eye has been created in this person through which he can see the hypotheses in question with some of their own symptoms. Thus, some of the assumptions are distinguished from the others by these signs in that person. These signs were created as evidence for the zodiac signs. Thus, the person sets his sights on an assumption from them, that is, an omen. Then Felek turns and hides from the person with this supposed omen that the beholder is staring at. He, on the other hand, stays where he is until the sign comes to him. Thus, it is understood that Felek has completed a turn according to the minister, not according to the fortune. This is the turn we named the day. The realm exists between the periphery and the point. It reports that the one closest to the periphery is wider than the one closest to the inside. Therefore, his day is bigger, his space is wider, his language is more open, and he is closer to reaching power and clarity. As you descend towards the elements, you move away from this level until you reach the earth. Every piece of the environment is in return for what is above and below it. Even if one is wide and the other is narrow, none of the upper and lower parts come into the other anymore. This is the situation where the big one comes on the small and the wide one comes on the narrow without widening the millet or narrowing the wide one. They all look at the point with themselves. Despite its smallness, the central point looks at all the parts that surround it. In that case, the surrounding is the periphery and the besieged is the point, and vice versa. Think about…”

Interpreting the physical properties and effects of the "things" around him in a way over time, human beings began to ask more difficult questions after a while, and began to ask more intricate questions such as why the tides of the Moon follow the same cycle, and the causes of the effects of the movements of celestial bodies on humans, plants and animals. . So much so that this curiosity has been asked by Madam Blavatsky in the last century with many different questions, “Why is the light of the Moon so poisonous, even lethal for some organisms? Why in parts of Africa and India does a person sleeping in the moonlight often go crazy? Why sleepwalkers are more affected by the full moon, and why are gardeners, farmers and foresters so clinging to the idea that plants are affected by lunar changes. If science cannot explain the cause of the Moon's tidal effect, what can it know and how can it disprove the moral and occult influence of celestial bodies on humans and their destinies[4]." It has been tried to find the answers to the mystery and mystery that has been expressed.

Anyway, something that physically affects the Earth definitely has metaphysical effects. For the simplest example, on a cloudy day, to put it more precisely, on a day when the clouds cover the Sun, we do not even want to open our eyes to the day, it is difficult to get out of bed, and an effect that occurs physically affects us metaphysically. Certain types of music get us excited; some elevate the soul to religious desire. In short, there is hardly a person who does not respond to certain vibrations of the atmosphere. This is the same for colors. Some excite us, some soothe and delight. The priestess wears black to symbolize the despair of faith crushed by original sin. The bride wears white, red fuels the anger of some animals. If we and the animals are affected by vibrations that move to a very small degree, why not be massively affected by vibrations that move to a large degree, like combined stellar influences[5].

Similarly, Eliphas Levi quotes Paracelsus with approval of the doctrine that every human, animal, and plant is dominant at the time of its formation and attracts external and internal influences. It also repeats the old Kabbalah doctrine; Nothing in nature is unimportant, and even something as small as the birth of a child on our worthless planet has an effect on the universe, while the whole universe has its own reactive effect on it. “The stars,” he states, “are connected by gravity that keeps them in balance and moves them in a certain order through space. This web of light extends from all spheres to all, and there is no point on any planet that is not connected by one of these incorruptible threads. For this reason, the exact location of the region, as well as the time of birth, must be calculated by the true master of astrology. After making the exact calculation of the astral influences, it remains to take into account the chance situations in life, the opportunities and obstacles to be encountered. And the natural impulses that lead him towards fulfilling his destiny. Levi also argues that, pointing to the ability to overcome difficulties and contain inappropriate tendencies, one's individual strength and how to win, or what blind luck can bring to him by passively waiting[6].

While taking into account metaphysical rather than physical influences, Astrology accepts the kabbalistic belief that the souls of the stars have multiple "intelligences". Kepler firmly believes that each planet is the seat of an intelligent principle, and that they are all placed there by spiritual beings who exert influences on other beings, especially those inhabiting more dense and material spheres than our world[7]. Similarly, the Islamic Thinker Ibn Arabi puts forward the view that there are angels assigned to the stars in his work called Fütuhattı Mekkiyye. In short, just like human beings, they each have a soul on their planet, which modern physics proves to be energy in different densities.

After these determinations, Madam Blatvasky summarizes the metaphysical influence processes of the planets in Article 6; 1. There is a mutual communication between celestial bodies, earth and living bodies. A fluid that spreads universally and is continuous, leaving no void, whose subtlety is beyond all comparison, whose nature is capable of receiving, multiplying and transmitting all the influences of motion, is the instrument of this influence. 2. This reciprocal motion depends on the current unknown mechanical laws. 3. The results considered as tide are the successive effects of this movement. 4. What is formed by this process are the connections between celestial bodies, the earth and its components. 5. The properties of the substance and the regulated body depend on this process. 6. The animal body experiences the successive effects of this tool and directly affects them by penetrating itself into the core of the nerves[8].

The way to understand these effects will be possible by removing the veil of mystery and mystery. However, as we mentioned at the beginning of our subject, especially in the last decades, human; Convincing himself that he is a body with a "Spirit" even though he is a being with a physical and metaphysical body, he accepted even astrology as a statistical-based science. In fact, it is clear that the opposite is true, that man is not a body with a Spirit, but a spirit with a Body. This misperception has caused man to completely break away from beyond physics, and therefore to seek the essence of existence in the shell of existence, and to try to explain astrology with statistics. Hz. Ali has a saying: “You think you are a small object, but the biggest realm is hidden in you too.” and then Madame Blavatsky in the last century said, “The body comes from the elements, the soul from the stars. Man eats and drinks from the elements to sustain the life of blood and flesh; from the stars it supplies intelligence and thoughts to his soul[9].” By making a statement, Mr. He gave a kind of explanation of Ali's discourse.

Although the facts have been clearly evident for centuries, the fact that people have become more materialistic, materialistic tendencies in language, sight, hearing, food, drink, clothing, vehicles and sexual desires cause the stars and planets to be unable to perceive their energy and song. The Islamic thinker Ibn Arabi said, “When the divine command descends on the elements until it reaches the earth, its residue increases. This situation is similar to the sediment of oil or liquid things in the jug settling down and leaving the top clear. The reason for the increase in the residue of the divine order is the curtains that prevent the perception of the knowledge and manifestation lights encountered by the natural world. The manifestation in the world is to the inner eyes, inward, not outward. The interior is the place of desire. Desire and manifestation do not gather in one place. For this reason, it is necessary to be cleansed of desires and passions in the life of this world[10].” explained in a very understandable way.

Maybe we no longer have intuition, but we have the opportunity to access information more easily than before. Knowledge is light, and Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. Nur means kidnapper. With the information we will obtain in this training, our aim is to purify as much as possible from the negative residues surrounding us by means of "knowledge" and strengthen our intuition, and by strengthening our intuition, the divine messages from the planets and stars, the energies of Hermetic thought, "As above, so below; As it is in heaven, so it is on earth.” It would be trying to re-understand the expression.


[1] Heliks, bir sarmaşık bitkisinin bir dikliği en kısa yoldan çıkmasının formülünü verir. Mimar Sinan, sarmaşık bitkisini taklit ederek Selimiye Camii’ne yaptığı minarelere 3 kapı ve 3 şerefe yerleştirir. 1. Kapı bir, iki ve üç’üncü şerefeye ; 2. Kapı iki ve üç’üncü şerefeye ve son kapı son şerefeye çıkmaktadır. Aynı anda 3 kapıdan 3 kişi girdiğinde birbirleri arasında basit bir duvar olduğu halde birbirini göremezler. Buradaki tek gizemin maddeler dünyası ile alakası olmadığını da şahsen düşünüyorum. Neden 3 kapı ve 3 şerefe ve sıralama neden yukarıda bahsettiğim gb… [2] Kur-an’ı Kerim, Burüc Suresi, 1, 2 ve 3. cü ayetler. [3] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 438 [4] H. P. Blavatsky, Peçesiz İsiz, Çeviren Ruya S. Uğurlu, İstanbul : Mitra Yayıncılık, Çıkar Matbaa, 1. Cilt, 4. Baskı, 2020, Syf: 332 [5] H. P. Blavatsky, Peçesiz İsiz, Çeviren Ruya S. Uğurlu, İstanbul : Mitra Yayıncılık, Çıkar Matbaa, 1. Cilt, 4. Baskı, 2020, Syf: 335 [6] H. P. Blavatsky, Peçesiz İsiz, Çeviren Ruya S. Uğurlu, İstanbul : Mitra Yayıncılık, Çıkar Matbaa, 1. Cilt, 4. Baskı, 2020, Syf: 378 [7] H. P. Blavatsky, Peçesiz İsiz, Çeviren Ruya S. Uğurlu, İstanbul : Mitra Yayıncılık, Çıkar Matbaa, 1. Cilt, 4. Baskı, 2020, Syf: 291 [8] H. P. Blavatsky, Peçesiz İsiz, Çeviren Ruya S. Uğurlu, İstanbul : Mitra Yayıncılık, Çıkar Matbaa, 1. Cilt, 4. Baskı, 2020, Syf: 255 [9] H. P. Blavatsky, Peçesiz İsiz, Çeviren Ruya S. Uğurlu, İstanbul : Mitra Yayıncılık, Çıkar Matbaa, 1. Cilt, 4. Baskı, 2020, Syf: 250 [10] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 438


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