“I swear to the places of the stars that if you know, that is a really big vow. “
75 of Surah Vakia

Very well visible to the naked eye and known as the red planet because of the color of its surface, Mars is the first planet to fall outside of Earth's orbit. Small and very cold, it resembles Earth in many ways. The polar regions differ with the seasons. There are traces of ancient rivers and volcanic activity on Earth, and there have been suspicions of life forms on Mars since time immemorial. Since the rotation period on its axis is slightly longer than that of the Earth, the duration of the Martian day is close to the Earth day. As on Earth, there are marked differences in seasons throughout the year on the planet Mars. The mass of Mars is 10/1 of the mass of the Earth, its gravitational force is weak and the density of the atmosphere is 100/1 of the Earth's atmosphere. Due to the weak carbon dioxide surrounding its atmosphere, it cannot create a greenhouse effect, and this gas is solid in winter, especially in the polar region, and gaseous in summer. Huge thermal differences due to temperature cause atmospheric tides and currents are very large. When Mars' atmosphere is in motion, it causes enormous sandstorms and is covered with a reddish powder of iron oxide. It is thought that several billion years ago there were rivers on the planet. The northern hemisphere consists of plains and deserts covered with red rocks, while the southern hemisphere is very rugged and covered with numerous meteorite craters. Mars has two moons, Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror)[1].
Ares was the god of war and the spirit of war. He was not a well-loved god and represented the brutal and bloody aspects of warfare. On his way to war, he was accompanied by his sister Eris (dispute), his sons Deimos (fear) and Phobos (panic). Besides its connection with armies and battles, it was also associated with civil war, insurrection, and violence. He has several children from a love affair with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Deimos, Phobos, Eros (desire) and Harmonia (harmony). Although he was the god of war, his sister Athena was superior to him. He supported the Greek hero Diomedes against Hector, who was fighting alongside Ares in the Trojan War, and he changed the direction of Diomedes' spear and injured Ares. Ares was once again injured while trying to support his son Cyknos against Heracles.
They were also victims of the twin giants Otus and Ephialtes, who attacked Mount Olympos. He was caught by the twins and chained in a cauldron and was rescued by Hermes after staying there for thirteen months, that is, one year according to the lunar calendar[2]. In Viking mythology, Odin is the god of war, magic, poetry, prophecy, victory, hunting, and death. Legend has it that Odin's ravens Huginn and Muninn fly all over the universe to help him by collecting news. Odin's palace in Asgard, Valhalla is where all brave warriors go after death. To the Vikings, Odin was the personification of power and authority. The origin of the word used for Wednesday in Western languages comes from this[3].
In the Legend of Marduk Mercury, Mummu; Venus, Lahamu ; Mars, Lahmu ; Ay, Kingu ; Jupiter, Kishar ; Saturn, Anshar; Pluto was Jesus Beak. The most crucial point of this legend is Tiamad. Today there is an "asteroid belt" between Mars and Jupiter. Whereas, this asteroid belt is the remnants of a planet that once existed but was shattered by a collision. This planet is Tiamat in the Creation Legend of Mesopotamia[4].
“Behold, Yusuf to his father, Daddy, indeed I saw 11 stars, the Sun and the Moon. I saw that they were bowing to me. “
(Yusuf, Quran, Verse 4)
In the allegory of the Islamic philosopher Ibn Arabi, the imitator becomes the guest of Harun in the sky of Mars, and the rational person becomes the guest of the spirit of the planet Merih (Mars). Merih sees the impersonator next to Harun and sees that Harun is smiling towards him. He is surprised by this and asks why. Harun; this is the sky of majesty, fear, difficulty and despair. These require a handle. The one next to me is a guest from the Ummah of the Prophet and should be hosted. He has come to learn knowledge and seek divine judgment. With that judgment, he asks for help against the enemies of thought, fearing to exceed the limits of his master in the matters he has determined for himself. I will explain to him the inside of the matter and give him comfort so that he can accept what he is looking for with a pure soul and an open heart. Then he turns his ring to the imitator and teaches him the secret of being gentle even though he is strong, the commands given to the person to be punished, the sealing of hearts, mercy and gentleness, arrogance and arrogance, sorrow and grief[5].
According to Ibn Arabi, every scientific issue that occurs on Tuesday is caused by Harun's spirit. Every sublime artifact that consists of the elements of fire and air originates from the spirit of the Merih Felek. Every menial work in the element of water and earth consists of the movement of the fifth sphere. The region belonging to this Bedel is the third region. The sciences given to him today and at other times of the day are the science of governing and administering the property, the science of protection and protection, the order of the army, the science of war and warfare, the science of sacrifices and animal slaughter, the science of knowing the secrets of sacrifice days and spreading it to other parts, the science of guidance and perversion, and It is the science of separating doubt from evidence[6]. The motto of this Price is “Don't you see it in your selves too?” verse. This is the third level. Because the first verses are divine names, the secondary verses are on the horizon. The verses that follow the second ones are the verses that are in our souls. Allah says: “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and in their own selves. “
Agrippa, on the other hand, argues that when the figure below is engraved with Mars on an iron plate or sword on an auspicious day, it will make man strong in battle. If it is engraved on red bronze together with the sinister Mars, it prevents the establishment of structures, destroys the honor, wealth and values of the powerful, causes disharmony, conflict, hatred of people and animals, and causes bees, pigeons, and fish to flee[7].
According to Agrippa, fire and all burning, sharp things from the elements are Martian. Bile among the suyuks[8], sour flavors, sharp tastes that burn the tongue and make you cry. Among the metals are iron, red bronze, all fiery, red, sulphurous ones. Diamond, magnet, bloodstone, amethyst. Garlic, onion, leek, ammonia, wormwood. Horse, mule, kid, wolf, leopard. Venomous animals. Mosquitoes, flies, all insects that attack humans. All the predatory flesh-eating, bone-breaking birds, vulture, hawk, hawk, crow. It is associated with Mars[9].
Mustafa İloğlu, who compiled the Treasure of Hidden Sciences, stated in his compilation that the nature of the star Mirrih (Mars) is delicate, its friendly star is Mercury, and the enemy star is Moon. Mirrih means; It means bravery, anger, anger, wrath, strength, stubbornness, passion, debauchery, and leadership. Usually, great soldiers emerge from these star members. They eat a lot, become gluttonous, drunk and belligerent. In war, they are brave, long-suffering, agile, intelligent, assertive, vengeful, fond of wealth and semana, and zwaq-ı adiyye. Both good and bad are in passion, and even their games are like fights. They are fond of love and have great, constant and faithful love. They are very jealous, they always have a tendency to dominate in love. They do not forgive betrayal and after seeing them they become even more harsh and rude[10].
In the epistles of the Brotherhood of Ikhwan-i Safa, they state that there are heavens, elements and spiritual forces penetrating the realm formed by the born ones from the circle of Mars. Inclination to work and arts, progress, speed, ascending to high degrees, desiring goals, reaching completeness and ascending to competence with strength, superiority, dignity and reign are realized with it. The deeds of his spirit and the works of his angels are related to the iron ore, the weapon made of it, the thing that makes fire, the heat that makes plants and animals ripen their fruits by absorbing watery dampness and moist substances. With this natural warmth, it draws the coldness out of them. Without this temperature, the roots of the plants will perish, the heat will overwhelm, they will be destroyed, damaged, destroyed, nothing will be left. His animal deed is anger, hostility and malice seen in them. Their actions in people are war and strife. From the regions of the earth are fire and iron working places and animal slaughterhouses. In the human body, it is the yellow bile and the actions that radiate from it to the body, such as heat and heat. Without it, the cold and dry power will dominate the body, the body will die and disappear.
Allah separates the bad from the good by means of war and mischief, and while this is happiness for one community, it becomes unhappiness for the other community. "So that the deceased may die with a clear evidence and the living may live with a clear evidence (he did so}” These clergy are also strict and hard angels whose numbers are unknown to anyone except Allah, the Magnificent and Majestic. In front of them is a king on a red horse and holding a red flag. it is written: "There is no god but Allah, Who determines death and life. His is what is in the heavens and the earth, which is calm during the day and night:" "O communities of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass through the ends of the heavens and the earth, pass by"; "We have sent down iron, in which there is great power and benefits for mankind"
It is about the birth of clergy, sultans, officers, commanders, valiant, daring, brave and heroic people. With this they do the opposite of what Saturn does. Because the deed of Saturn's spirits are stability, tranquility, cheating, slowness of movement and seeking opportunity[11].
Finally, Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı stated in his book Marifetname that the Merih (Mars) sky is called as minor ominous by astronomers. The astrologers unanimously said about the nature and characteristics of the Martian star: The nature of Mars is extreme heat and dryness. He is a man of the night and is called the little ominous. The characteristics of this star, festivity, rage, debauchery, strength, betrayal, anger, rudeness, stubbornness and ambition to be the leader have been found. Merih was found to dominate Saturday night and Tuesday. The first hours of that night and today are connected to it[12].
[1] Gökyüzü Atlası, Evrenin Keşfi : Yıldızlarla, Gezegenler Arasında Bir Yolculuk, İstanbul: 2010 Boyut Yayıncılık, Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş., Syf : 164 – 167 [2] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 140 [3] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 230 [4] Prof. Dr. Mustafa TÖZÜN, Kur’an Rehberliğinde Ezoterizm ve Mitoloji, Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 1.Basım, Mart 2020, syf: 34 [5] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 8.Cilt, 4. Baskı 2017, syf: 47-50 [6] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 440 [7] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 89 [8] Organizmanın kan lenf gibi sıvı bölümleri [9] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 1, 4. Basım 2020, syf: 108 – 109 [10] Mustafa İloğlu, ed., Gizli İlimler Hazinesi, İstanbul : Seda Yayınları, Şubat 2013, Cilt. 1, Syf: 53 - 79 [11] İhvan-ı Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul: Kayhan Matbaacılık, Cilt.4, 1. Basım, 2014, Syf: 166 [12] Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, Marifetname, Prof. Dr. Durali Yılmaz, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları, Mart 2016, Cilt 1 Syf: 130 - 218