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Astrology for Beginners: Planet Mercury and Astrology

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

“Behold, the angels of your Lord; I will create a caliph out of dry clay, molded clay, When I arranged him and blew my Spirit into him, he said, bow down for him. “

Surah Hijr Verse 28

Life and Spirit are two inseparable opposites. It is almost as if the human body is a subordinate entity in which duality is unity and opposites become neutral by merging. However, the increasing inclination to matter, which upsets the unity and balance, and between these two, man has completely postponed the Spirit, the metaphysical, and postponed everything related to it to the next life.

Hayat ve Ruh, birbirinden ayrılamayan iki zıtlık. Adeta insan bedeni ikiliğin birlik olduğu, zıtlıkların birleşerek nötr hale geldiği madum bir varlıktır. Ancak birliği, dengeyi bozan maddeye artan temayül ve bu ikisi arasında insan, Ruh’u, metafizik olanı tamamen ötelemiş ve onunla alakalı her şeyi sonraki hayata tehir etmiştir.
Astrology for Beginners: Planet Mercury and Astrology

Here is Mercury; With all its spirituality, it conveys the knowledge of delusions and inspiration from the sky to human beings, and with dreams, comparison and analytical thinking, it conveys all messages that will increase human understanding and understanding, although it is rarely observed. In this way, man will be able to achieve unity in duality. His rhetoric and expression will improve, he will improve himself in the field of manners and science in the world, and eventually he will reach integrity.

The planet Mercury has exactly the motto of our education in its saddlebag. So much so that we have stated that all the "secret" can only be understood with intuition, and it is Mercury that strengthens the intuitions and supports the metaphysical. Unfortunately, there is not much scientific or mythological information about him.


Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is the densest planet after Earth, the smallest after Pluto, and the largest temperature difference between day and night. During the day, there is an infernal heat between 550 - 500 degrees Celsius, and at night it is freezing cold up to -123 degrees Celsius.

Mercury's rotation speed is very fast, it completes its full orbit around the Sun in 88 days, and it completes its rotation in 58.65 Earth days. However, since it takes 176 days for the Sun to come back to the same point, it can only be observed every few days and then disappears. When viewed from Earth, it is observed that Mercury has phases just as the Moon and Venus have phases.

Mercury is exposed to very strong radiation from the Sun. Mercury, which is under the severe influence of the solar wind, has a weak gravitational force, has a very thin gaseous layer consisting mainly of helium, and has no atmosphere. The extreme temperature differences between night and day are due to the absence of an atmosphere.

Due to meteor showers, it is covered with craters like the Moon. The plains are also very similar to the basins of the Moon. Since its magnetic field is weak and its density is very high, Mercury is assumed to have an iron core and has no moons[1].


Hermes is identified with the Roman God Mercurius. Originally an Arcadian fertility god associated with animal husbandry, Hermes eventually became the most whimsical and witty god. He was believed to serve as a messenger to his father and other gods, and to lead the souls of the dead to the nether world. Along with being the protector of merchants, he was also considered the god of thieves with his playful personality. Because he was the inventor of the dice, gamblers also revered him as the god of wealth and fortune. Hermes was also credited with being the inventor of many things adopted by mankind, such as the lyre, fire, alphabet and ritual sacrifice. Due to his diplomatic skills, he was seen as the patron god of language and oratory[2].

In Roman mythology, Philemon and Baucis, disguised as travelers, and their son Mercurius look for a place to stay. Only a helpful old couple named Philemon and Baucis opens their door and gives them food. The gods turn their house into a temple to reward the couple. But all the old couple wants is to never be separated from each other. Thereupon, after they die, they are transformed into two trees standing side by side and their branches intertwined[3].


“When they arrest you and take you to court, what are we going to say? don't worry about it; Say whatever inspires you at that moment. Because it will be Ruh'ul Kuds who is speaking, not you. “

(Genesis, Mark, 13-11)

In Ibn Arabi's Fütuhattı Mekkiyye, in the allegory of imitative and rational, Mercury is tried to be explained with the following sentences; In the second heaven, Jesus, accompanied by John, welcomes the imitator. Just as Jesus is the spirit of Allan, John is also alive. Just as spirit and life are inseparable, neither are Jesus and John. Rational, on the other hand, stays next to the Clerk (Mercury). The one in this sky is the seventh deputy. He is responsible for the nutfah in the wombs where human creation emerges, and is related to it in the seventh month after its fall. At this level, the imitator learns to use letters and the science of alchemy. Along with this, he learns the honor of words, cevamiül words and the truth of the word kün (be). He learns why this word is assigned to the imperative rather than the past or the future or the present. From this sky, in the name of the imitator's soul, the scientific life in which hearts come to life takes place. It is learned from here that things are transformed, as well as giving states to their owners. Put your mind here and keep your heart open, know that your Lord will guide you to the right path. On the other hand, if rational, the information in the Katip has authority over the objects in the realm originating from the element below it. He gives this information to the rationalist according to his aptitude[4].

Every scholarly topic that occurs on Wednesday is from the spirit of Jesus. Wednesday is the day of light. Hz. As Jesus enters this path on which we are today, he looks at us. Every sublime work in fire and air is from the Katib's swimming in his heaven, and every despicable work in the element of water and earth is from the movement of the second sky. The region belonging to Bedel, the owner of today, is the sixth region. Therefore, the sciences, delusions and knowledge of inspiration, revelation, opinions, comparisons, dream, expression, science of artistic creation, science of protection and arrangement, the science of slipping that catches the eye of understanding, the science of drills, the science of writing and adab, the science that occur today and in the hours of other days. It is the science of divination, magic, talismans and intentions[5]. This Bedel's motto is "I entrust my business to God." It is a verse. He asks at the fifth price because he doesn't know. When he asked, he learned now. When he learned, he reached the truth of his knowledge of his Lord and thus entrusted his own work to Allah. Because he understood that he has no judgment about his work and that he "does what Allah wills". For this reason, he accepts that it is more correct to put his trust in Allah and that he has adopted this verse as his motto[6].

In the Ikhwan-i Safa Treatises, on the other hand, the spiritual powers that permeate all the body and parts of the realm from the circle of Mercury spread and knowledge, sciences, opinions, inspiration, dreams and revelations come true with them. It is like the power of delusion from the brain, followed by the mind, imagination, idea, thought, appeal, intuition, vision, inspiration, consciousness, and emotion emanating and pervading their spirits. The deeds of his descending angels are associated with mercury and rising spirits in natural mines, with pearls/beads and badizehr from ores, with giraffes and aurochs and everything that walks slow and fast from animals, with medicines superior to herbs, with the birth of scribes, viziers, governors and property collectors from the human realm. It is related to. It is effective in the field of arts and professions. It is also related to poetry, calligraphy, verse and the like from the field of speech. The angels descending from his circle are Kiraman Katibin and the reckoning angels of Hafaza. They have beautiful appearances and bright forms. Their spirit is light and their person is thin and soft. An angel is presided over them with a flag in his hand that reads: "There is no god but Allah, who has no partner:' "No, don't do that! Because this is advice. Whoever wishes can take advice from him. It is in the high, pure and very valuable pages in the hands of honorable and faithful scribe angels[7].

Italian Agrippa, the author of the book called Secret Philosophy or Philosophy of Magic, on a lucky day, if the figure of Mercury below is engraved on a silver plate or yellow bronze with Mercury, or if it is written on unwritten parchment, it arouses gratitude to the bearer, brings good luck and profit in whatever he wishes. It prevents poverty, leads to memory and understanding, to knowingness, to understanding the secrets of dreams. Since Mercury is unlucky, the opposite happens [8].

Water among the elements, various, strange mixed flavors among the flavors. Among the metals are mercury, tin, white pyrite, among the stones emerald, agate, red marble, topaz; hazelnut tree, five-leaf grass, parsley, plants with different structures and different forms; animals with fast, intelligent, strong, changeable and quick senses, and those who communicate easily with humans. Because of its deception and deceit, pourcontrell is connected with Mercury, the fork fish because of its industriousness[9].

Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, in his work named Marifetname, mentions that the planet Utarit (Mercury) is referred to by astronomers with two lower names and the nature of Utarit is coldness and dryness, and a daytime male has been found. Since it is compatible with the nature of a star other than itself; it is named as the matching and the disruptive. The qualities of this star, decency, intelligence, understanding, intuition, mind, talent, speech, eloquence, embroidery, inscription, calculation, accuracy, intelligence, attention, art, trickery and betrayal have been found. It has been observed that this star is effective in semen with these qualities. This star dominates Sunday night and Wednesday. The first hours of that night and this day are proportional to this[10].

Finally, in the Secret Sciences Treasure compilation, this planet is mentioned with the following sentences; The nature of the star Utarid (Mercury) is air and its friend by nature is fire. Its friendly star is the Sun and its enemy star is Jupiter. Those under the influence of this star become good when they are close to good, and bad when they are close to bad. They are editors. Excellence and foresight, speech and eloquence, embroidery and inscription, hygiene, rigor, attention, intelligence, dexterity, cheating and betrayal are among the qualities of excellence. They can lie quietly and dexterously save themselves from a wrong step. The ignorant are talkative and good liars, deceitful, despicable, deceitful. Those who love independence are capable of learning all kinds of howls and sciences. They can be intelligent, agile, cheerful, skillful, busy-willed, eloquent, and even philanthropic[11].


[1] Gökyüzü Atlası, Evrenin Keşfi : Yıldızlarla, Gezegenler Arasında Bir Yolculuk, İstanbul: 2010 Boyut Yayıncılık, Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş., Syf : 158 - 159 [2] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 148 [3] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 212 [4] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 8.Cilt, 4. Baskı 2017, syf: 43 - 45 [5] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 440 [6] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 443 [7] İhvan-ı Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul: Kayhan Matbaacılık, Cilt.4, 1. Basım, 2014, Syf: 168 [8] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 90 [9] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 1, 4. Basım 2020, syf: 112 – 113 [10]Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, Marifetname, Prof. Dr. Durali Yılmaz, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları, Mart 2016, Cilt 1 Syf: 130 - 218 [11] M Mustafa İloğlu, ed., Gizli İlimler Hazinesi, İstanbul : Seda Yayınları, Şubat 2013, Cilt. 1, Syf: 53 - 79



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