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Astrology for Beginners: Planet of Uranus and Astrology

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

“The thunder is beyond the praise of Allah. Because of his fear, the angels also join in. “

(Rad, Quran, Verse 13)

Uranus, discovered in 1781, is a new planet compared to the seven ancient planets. As a matter of fact, we say that it is a new planet because we have just discovered or believed that we have discovered it. Ibn Arabi, in his book Fütühattı Mekkiyye, explains the division of the Horoscope into 12, mentions that 28 planets are effective during the hypothetical division of the spheres into 12.

Uranüs 1781 yılında keşfedilen, kadim yedi gezegene kıyasla yeni bir gezegendir. Aslına bakarsanız yeni keşfettiğimiz ya da keşfettiğimize inandığımız için yeni bir gezegendir diyoruz ki İbn Arabi Fütühattı Mekkiyye adlı eserinde Burçlar feleğinin 12’ye bölünmesi bahsini açıklarken, feleklerin varsayımsal olarak 12’ye bölünmesi esnasında 28 gezegenin etkili olduğundan bahseder.
Astrology for Beginners: Planet of Uranus and Astrology

Therefore, apart from the 7 planets that we insistently (and of course the ancient astrologers) focus on, there are the effects of 21 different Celestial Bodies, and there is no obstacle to our thinking that one of them is Uranus. Moreover, Madam Blavatsky mentions that Uranus is believed to be the father of Saturn in ancient belief, in the 2nd volume of her book called Pechesis Isis.

However, the general acceptance is that Uranus is a new planet, with this acceptance, we can reach the keywords that will strengthen our intuitions by examining the changes and developments on Earth after the discovery of Uranus, as well as the effects and properties of scientific findings, in order to activate our intuition.

Uranus stays in a sign for approximately 7 years. We can say that Uranus knows the secret of the seven and has the right to carry the trust. Similarly, during the time Uranus stayed in Aries between 1928 and 1935, the human rights defenders in the world came to the fore and the voices of those seeking freedom were raised. Workers' movements and mobbing, suppression practices encountered in the society, and the prominence of those who defend modern life have led to rebellions and rebellions. By analyzing these developments, we can investigate how effective Uranus is in its current position on these developments. Another date range is between 1995 and 2003, when he stayed in Aquarius. In these years, technological developments accelerated and communication and interaction between people became easier. By multiplying similar information, it is possible to make analyzes that will increase our intuition about the effects of the planet.

Uranus looks like a small light when viewed through binoculars, and although it looks like a green-blue light when viewed through a telescope, it still remains a disk so small that the details on it cannot be discerned. Uranus is a planet that is unique in many ways in the Solar System. Besides the reversal of the rotational motion, the axis of rotation is also inclined 82 degrees with respect to the orbital plane, so the equator is nearly perpendicular to the direction of the orbital motion. Unlike other planets, the poles and systems of 11 concentric rings made of dust and very small solid particles are also often visible. It has a low magnetic field, and as an exoplanet, its atmosphere is made up of Hydrogen and Helium, but also contains Methane, which gives it an orange-blue color. The temperature is close to absolute zero and is around -200 degrees. Like Saturn, Uranus has both rings and numerous moons. It is possible to observe 5 of these satellites from Earth[1].


[1] Gökyüzü Atlası, Evrenin Keşfi : Yıldızlarla, Gezegenler Arasında Bir Yolculuk, İstanbul: 2010 Boyut Yayıncılık, Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş., Syf : 177 – 178



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