“When the darkness of the night covered him, he saw a star: This is my Lord, he said. "I don't like those that set when the star sets," he said. “
Verse 76 of Surah An-Am
According to some, it is the Morning Star, and according to others, the Evening Star, perhaps the Shepherd's Star, about which works are written, shares its beauty, abundance and fertility with us with all its majesty. It shows the way to caravans and sailors so that it does not get lost at night.

It provides the understanding of the messages of the deep meanings of the meanings and proportions in the sense organs and in the things perceived to the Spirits who can be perceived not only physically but beyond physics, with its energy and vibrations it spreads to the universe.
It inspires poets; He makes him fall in love with mountains, trees, various beings in the world of matter, and make him recite poems with a magnificent eloquence and perhaps make sentences with perfect verse. Maybe even Tahir's love is not for the king's daughter, the incarnated Zühre, but for Venus, who knows.
The planet Venus is very similar to Earth in size. It also has a few recently extinct volcanoes like Earth. But the similarities between the two planets end there. Venus, which is 65% flat, is surrounded by a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide. It is exposed to winds as strong as a hurricane and its temperature is almost 500 degrees due to the greenhouse effect. Venus, an inner planet, orbits between the Sun and Earth. Therefore, Venus, like the Sun, is best observed at sunrise or sunset. It is also known as the Vesper or Evening Star, as it was the first planet to be seen at sunset. At sunrise, however, the Sun rises before Venus and is therefore also known as Lucifer (light-bringer) or Morning Star.
Since it is closer to the Sun than the Earth, Venus also illuminates in different ways, as in the case of the Moon, and when viewed from Earth, it passes from the ascending phase to the descending phase, then disappears and then starts the cycle all over again. Since Venus's orbit is only 3.4 degrees inclined, in some periods it remains completely dark, that is, occultation, and in other periods it passes in front of the Sun's circle from one end to the other, that is, the transition occurs, in which case it looks like a small black circle in front of the bright background of the Sun. .
Unlike many other planets, Venus rotates in the opposite direction around its rotation axis. If we lived on Venus, the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east. One full rotation of the planet takes about 243 days. A Venusian year, that is, one complete revolution around the Sun is 224 days. Therefore, a day on the planet Venus is 224 days and is longer than a year. It is difficult to monitor the planet with infrared radiation, since its atmosphere is completely covered with carbon dioxide. It rains sulfuric acid from time to time, and during foggy times when sunlight barely passes through the planet's gas cover, Venus' sky has been observed to look very similar to Earth's. Venus has neither moon nor magnetic field. It is thought that this situation is caused by the very slow movement of the planet around itself[1].
Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology, appears as Venus in Roman mythology, Inanna[2] in Near Eastern mythology, and finally Zühre[3] in Arabs. There are two legends about the birth of Aphrodite. The first of them says that he was born from Zeus and Dione, the daughter of Oceanus, while the second says that he was born from the foamy waves of the sea. After Kronos from the Titans castrated his father, Uranos, his genitals fell into the sea and Aphrodite (Venus) was born from that sea. Aphrodite appears in many places as gold. However, many adjectives such as lustful, coquettish, beautiful, love and heartfelt are associated with the goddess[4]. These comparisons are made because it looks very bright at night and brightness is associated with beauty. In addition, since brightness and beauty remind people of sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases are given the general name of Venereal Diseases[5].
The story of Tahir and Zühre, which is a Turkish Anonymous Story, is also remarkable. He talks about the love of Zühre, the daughter of the sultan, and Tahir, the son of the vizier, which ended in death. Zühre's mother is against the union of the two lovers and prevents them. Tahir is exiled and Zühre's marriage to someone else comes to the fore. Hearing this, Tahir comes back and is killed. Zühre cannot stand Tahir's death and commits suicide. A rose bush and bush grow on their graves, representing their past. This story is not only in Turkey; It is also known in Turkic Republics such as Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Perhaps the Zühre mentioned in this allegory is the planet Venus.
“Verily, We have adorned the world sky (that near sky) with stars with an ornament. “
(Saffat, Holy Quran, Verse 6)
In the allegory of the Islamic thinker Ibn Arabi, he talks about the fate of Venus as follows; “The imitator encounters Yusuf, and the rational one encounters Zühre (Venus). Yusuf conveys information about the example and life forms to the imitator. It shows him the years in the form of cows, the abundance and scarcity of the heads of the crops, the dimensions, quantities and proportions of all these one by one. It shows knowledge in the form of milk, and perseverance in religion in the form of recording. Yusuf continues to teach his guest the incarnation of meanings and proportions in the senses and senses. Helping poets, verse and strong expressions come from this sky, as well as geometric shapes in objects and their descriptions in the soul, from this sky from which they rise. The four origins emerge from this sky[6]. These two are two reasons and two pillars. Light cause and heavy cause. One of the pillars is separate and the other is compound. It gives the compound compound while giving the discrete direct analysis. The light cause gives the soul, while the heavy gives the body. With the sum of all of them, human is formed[7].
Every scholarly subject that occurs on Friday originates from the spirit of Yusuf. Every sublime work of fire and air originates from the gaze of the planet Zühre, while every despicable work of water and earth originates from the movement of Zuhre. In other words, these works are from the divine order descended between heaven and earth. The command in question is found in everything that is born between these two, in other words, in everything that occurs between the thing that falls from the sky and the earth that accepts this rain. The sciences that take place on behalf of the person in question today and in other days are the science of description and the science of states from the level of publicity and familiarity[8]. The maqam of this Bedel is "If you don't know, ask the people of dhikr." It is a verse. Only the born one asks questions. Because the child is in the office of tıfllik. Tıfllık is derived from the word tıfl, which means old age. The child cannot know without asking, so the child is at the fifth level. Their mothers are four, and they are also elements. Thus the child became the fifth being. For this reason, asking questions has become the habit of the fifth price among the costs[9].
Agrippa, in his work The Secret Philosophy or Philosophy of Magic, on an auspicious Venus day, when the figure below is engraved on a silver plate, produces harmony, gives after conflict, produces women's love, induces conception, is good against infertility, imparts reproductive ability, dissolves enchantment, male and female It causes peace among people, makes all kinds of animals and herd productive, removes melancholic disorders, brings joy, and brings good luck to travelers who travel with it. If it is engraved on a copper plate with the sinister Venus, the opposite of what is said will be true[10].
Air and water from the elements, phlegm and blood from the juices. Of the flavors, sweet, oily, honeyed ones. Of metals, both yellow and red bronze. Beryl, zebercetae, emerald, sapphire, green jade, red agate… Sandalwood, coral, verbena, violet. Pleasant tasty fruits such as sweet pears, figs, pomegranates. It is dedicated to Venus, the fast multiplier of animals, the bull out of arrogance, the calf, swan, tail wagging swallow, due to rudeness[11].
The Venus star, known as Zühre in the Treasure of the Occult Sciences, has a nature of earth and its friend by nature is water. Its friendly star is the Moon, and its enemy star is Zühal (Saturn). Those who belong to this star are people who are lovable and say useful words to everyone, who are in love with wealth and straw, who are extremely weak towards women, who are lascivious, smiling, sweet-talking, happy, eager to work, cannot be patient with conversation, and love dance, feast and music. They are friendly, cute, sweet, sensitive, affectionate people. They are extravagant. They always see pink and love luxury. They prefer to provide the shine. There are many desirable, beautiful, sehhar and fascinating charms in love[12].
In the Brotherhood of Ikhwan-i Safa, it is mentioned that the spiritual forces that permeate the body and parts of the whole realm emanate from the Venus circle. The ornament of the world, the goodness of its order, the brightness of its lights, the attractiveness of its flowers, the ornament of the universe, the beauty of beings, the restraint of plants, the desire for ornament, the love of beauty and the demand for competence are realized with it. It is just as the desire for pleasure spreads from the stomach organ to all the sensory channels that receive the taste of food and drink. His chaplains are concerned with the births of women, servants, and those in their position. The acts of his spirituals in the world are love, affection and adornment with beautiful ornaments. Tools used by women from the mines, crowns, jewelry and rings; with pearls from ores; It is related to all things that taste and smell pleasant and look good from plants, all the flowers of trees, their fragrances, their oils, and their pleasant sights, and their beautiful fruits, and such things from animals. Their place on earth is the place of delicacies and sweets. Their spirits are angels, the number of which no one knows except Allah, the Magnificent and the Magnificent. They ride colorful animals decorated with ornaments. They are presided over by an angel holding a flag with the following inscription: "There is no god but Allah, who has no partner." Say: Who forbids the adornment and clean sustenance that Allah has brought forth for His servants? It is the essence of embroidery and painting. settles thanks to this power[13].
Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı states in his book Marifetname that the star Zühre (Venus) is named by the astronomers as the little blessed and the nature of Zühre is moderate coldness and humidity. Zühre, being a night man, took the name of little blessed. The experience of looking at this star is made to give joy to the heart. The qualities of this star are softness, love, tenderness, spaciousness, wish, play, wealth, sexual power and beautiful creation. This star dominates Tuesday night and Friday. The first hours of that night and this day are proportional to this[14].
[1] Gökyüzü Atlası, Evrenin Keşfi : Yıldızlarla, Gezegenler Arasında Bir Yolculuk, İstanbul: 2010 Boyut Yayıncılık, Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş., Syf : 160 – 163 [2] Prof. Dr. Mustafa TÖZÜN, Kur’an Rehberliğinde Ezoterizm ve Mitoloji, Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 1.Basım, Mart 2020, syf: 14 [3] Prof. Dr. Mustafa TÖZÜN, Kur’an Rehberliğinde Ezoterizm ve Mitoloji, Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 1.Basım, Mart 2020, syf: 95 [4] Başvuru Kitapları Mitoloji, 6. Baskı Nisan 2015, NTV Yayınları, Doğuş Yayın Grubu, İstanbul, Syf: 142-143 [5] Prof. Dr. Mustafa TÖZÜN, Kur’an Rehberliğinde Ezoterizm ve Mitoloji, Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 1.Basım, Mart 2020, syf: 95 [6] Dört asılın bu gökten ortaya çıktığını belirtir. Beden de dört karışıma dayanır. Bu ikisi, iki sebep ve iki direktir. Hafif sebep ve ağır sebep. Direklerden biri ayrı diğeri bileşiktir. Ayrık direk tahlili (çözümleme) verirken bileşik olan terkibi (birleşim, birleştirme, bir araya gelme) verir. Hafif sebep ruhu verirken, ağırı bedeni verir. Hepsinin toplamıyla da insan meydana gelir. Büyüğü ve küçüğüyle bu alemin ne kadar sağlam olduğuna bir bakınız. Bu iki şahıs bu ilimleri öğrendikten sonra taklitçi akılcıya göre “özel yön’ün sağladığı Allah hakkında bilgiyi de fazladan elde eder. Aynı şekilde, her ikisi için de gökte bir intikal gerçekleşir. Onlar, bütün göklerin kalbi olan orta göğe yükselmek isterler. Oraya girdiklerinde ise taklitçi İdris ile akılcı ise Güneş yıldızının ruhaniyetiyle karşılaşır. [7] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 8.Cilt, 4. Baskı 2017, syf: 45-46 [8] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 441 [9] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 443 [10] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 89 – 90 [11] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 1, 4. Basım 2020, syf: 110 – 111 [12] M Mustafa İloğlu, ed., Gizli İlimler Hazinesi, İstanbul : Seda Yayınları, Şubat 2013, Cilt. 1, Syf: 53 - 79 [13] İhvan-ı Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul: Kayhan Matbaacılık, Cilt.4, 1. Basım, 2014, Syf: 167 [14]Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, Marifetname, Prof. Dr. Durali Yılmaz, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları, Mart 2016, Cilt 1 Syf: 130 - 218