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Astrology for Beginners: Saturn Planet and Astrology

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

“Or do they think we don't hear their secrets and secret conversations? No, it's not like that, our envoys with them write… "

Surah Zuhruf, Verse 80

Life; This process, which is long for us but as short as a moment compared to existence or some existence, exists in eternity-long cycles as well as its shortness. So much destroyed, shattered lives; When it is devastated and exhausted, just when it is thought that the end is near, it is reconstructed and given a branch to hold, but how? Why do closed doors open again before they melt down piece by piece and split into atoms and merge into the eternity of the universe?

Hayat; bize göre uzun ancak var oluşa, kimi varlığa göre bir an kadar kısa olan bu süreç kısalığı kadar, ebediyet uzunluğunda döngülerle mevcuttur. Öyle ki yıkılmış, parçalanmış yaşamlar; harap ve bitap düşmüşken, tam sona yaklaşıldığı düşünülürken, yeniden imar edilir ve tutulacak bir dal verilir ama nasıl? Neden parça parça eriyip, atomlarına ayrılarak evrenin sonsuzluğuna karışmadan evvel kapalı kapılar tekrar açılır?
Astrology for Beginners: Saturn Planet and Astrology

Here, in the cycles of Saturn, divine manifestation reaching the existence from time to time brings life to account, and again, its cycles bring those who pay the bill to abundance. There are no unwritten books, incomplete portraits, unaccounted for, nowhere where the sun rises and the divine manifestation of Saturn is kind of edifying. The aim of discipline is to develop the ability of human beings to fit the Right into their hearts, to purify their souls, and to witness that everything in the world is reflected in the mirror when they look in the mirror. Saturn is the teacher of all manifestations that cannot be restrained, imperceptible and unrepeatable.


Like Jupiter, Saturn has a strong magnetic field, which creates tremendous aurorae. Saturn can be seen easily even with good binoculars. It is pearly white and has beautiful rings, but the rings are not always visible. Saturn is very similar to Jupiter. It has a thick atmospheric layer of Hydrogen and Helium, and has a rocky core, over which it is presumed to be covered by an ocean of liquid metallic hydrogen and a layer of molecular hydrogen and ice of various kinds. The rotational motion is differential. Its density is even lower than that of water, so its surface is not solid. One complete rotation around itself takes 10 hours and 40 minutes. It has a very high velocity, which affects both its shape and the layers of its atmosphere. Similar to Jupiter, Saturn has a red blob caused by atmospheric events. The different colors of their belts are due to the sulfur and phosphorus in the composition of the clouds and their thickness. Like Jupiter, Saturn produces more of the energy it receives from the Sun. Saturn is the center of attention especially because of its extraordinary rings. These rings are made up of dust, ice, dry ice, and icy rock particles orbiting the planet. These rings disappear with periods close to 14.5 years because they are seen from the side to the observer. No planet other than Saturn has captured space debris as much as it has. With 31 moons, 18 of which are large, Saturn seems to have a miniature Solar System around it[1].


Its counterpart in Greek mythology is Kronos. It controls time, determines discipline and moral rules, and is a symbol for agriculture and harvest. It is a motif that severely punishes those who try to apply their own will and laws instead of divine rules.

In the Legend of Marduk Mercury, Mummu; Venus, Lahamu ; Mars, Lahmu ; Ay, Kingu ; Jupiter, Kishar ; Saturn, Anshar; Pluto was Jesus Beak. The most crucial point of this legend is Tiamad. Today, an "asteroid belt" exists between Mars and Jupiter. Whereas, this asteroid belt is the remnants of a planet that once existed but was shattered by a collision. This planet is Tiamat in the Mesopotamian Creation Legend[2].

It is generally believed that Saturn will prolong life in mythologies and that certain religions in India are dependent on Saturn, according to which people live long and do not die before they get old well[3].


“You put the night into the day, you turn the day into the night. You bring out the living from the dead, you bring out the dead from the living. You give sustenance to whom you will without account. “

(Al-i Imran, Quran, Verse 27)

In his allegory, the Islamic Philosopher Ibn Arabi states that in the seventh heaven, the imitator is met by Halil İbrahim and the rationalist is met by the spirit of Keyvan (Saturn). This is actually the first sky. Keyvan places the rationalist in a dark and frightening house and says to himself, “This is his brother's house, that is, his own house. Wait here until he comes to you." Abraham reveals the secret of the three lights to the imitator. He teaches that only believers can fit the truth into their hearts, that when the soul's mirror shines through asceticism and struggle, the soul will be purified and the rust of nature will be wiped off, that when you hold the mirror of your self in front of the images of the worlds, everything in the world will be reflected in the mirror. The creation of the heavens and the earth, the unknown istidraj[4], the hidden trap that goes unnoticed, the solid trap, the veil, and the persistence and dignity in deeds are learned from this sky. The existence of the forms extending from the bottom of this realm, especially to the earth, becomes fixed in an ore from here[5].

Every scientific subject that occurs on Saturday is from the spirit of Halil İbrahim. Today, every sublime work that occurs in the element of fire and air consists of the movement of the planet Keyvan in its own sphere, while every despicable work that occurs in the element of water and earth consists of the movement of this planet's sphere. The sciences that emerged in the name of this Bedel, which protects the first region in the day and night hours of today and other days, are the science of perseverance and stability, the science of continuity and permanence[6]. The rank and motto of this Bedel is the verse, "There is no one like him. This is because duality is its own. Because if a similar one were before him, it would not be valid for him to be the first[7].

Agrippa, on the other hand, states in his book The Secret Philosophy that divine names are used to understand the good and a spirit for the bad ones. From it the seal or character of Saturn, of its spirits, is drawn. It is said that if the auspicious Saturn and the figure below are engraved on a lead plate, this painting will help birth, make people safe and strong, and ensure that their wishes from princes and powers are fulfilled. However, if it is done with the inauspicious Saturn, it prevents building and cultivation, makes people dishonorable and worthless[8].

Further Agrippa; For Saturn, the elements water and earth, moist black bile from the waters indicate that it belongs to Saturn. Among the flavors, sour, sour, tasteless ones; Among the metals, due to their weight, lead, gold-mancasite are associated with Saturn. Of the stones, onyx, ziazaa, kamonius, sapphire, brown jade, kadıköy stone, magnet, all black, heavy, earthy stones are associated with Saturn. Zerrin, dragonwort, mother of pearl, cumin, garbage, the tree from which asbent is obtained, mandrake, opium, desensitizing things, things that are never planted and do not bear fruit, black-colored grapes, black fruit-bearers such as black figs, bells, cypresses, coarse, bitter, Those who smell bad, have a black shadow, give very sharp black gum, bear the most useless fruits, and do not grow old and die are connected with Saturn. Creeping animals, segregated, nocturnal, sad, thinking, naive, greedy, terrible, melancholic, laborious, heavy, overeating, eater of cubs, monkey, cat, pig, mule, camel, bear, mole, donkey, wolf , rabbits, dragons, basilisk, toads, snakes, creeping things, scorpions, ants, those born from rotten things in the ruins of houses in the earth, in the water, many insect species are related to Saturn. It is associated with crane, ostrich, peacock, owl, bat, plover, crow, quail, eel, oyster, turtle, Saturn[1].

Mustafa İloğlu, on the other hand, states that the friend of Saturn star is Mars and the enemy is Venus in his compilation titled Treasure of Hidden Sciences. The imaginations of those under the influence of the star are strong. Patience and perseverance are their greatest strengths. With perseverance and patient work, they succeed in eliminating every obstacle that comes their way. They are not wasteful in money. They like to live in moderation. Because of these traits, they can be called haters. They enjoy solitude and seclusion. They always avoid crowds, community. They like to be alone with their thoughts. They are prudish, a little cynical and vindictive. They do not feel extreme excitement. They love negotiation. They are people who see far-sightedness, brave and hardworking. They love the soil and planting trees. They do not show their jealousy, their grudges and revenge are severe. They remain cold and do not show their enthusiasm[2].

In the Treatises of the Brotherhood of Ikhwan-i Safa, it is stated that spirits permeating the whole realm, such as heavens, mothers and born ones, emanate from the circle of Saturn. Thanks to him, the form clings to the specter. It gives things heaviness, dignity, poise and slowness. Its place in the human body is the spleen. What spreads from it to the body is black bile. With it, parts of the body such as bones, nerves, skin and their dull moisture are formed. Age and dryness are his actions. Black colored and ugly animals and plants, metals such as pitch and black lead, everything black and smelly, black mountains on earth, dark valleys, rough roads and ugly-looking savages and those in the realm of humans belong to him.

Death and immobility are the acts of these spirituals. They are characterized by actions and actions that arise from them so that angels, higher souls and careless souls radiate from him to torment. They are erased books and inverted pictures. The actions of his spirit in the world are coldness and dryness. Angels descending to hold the souls and kill the bodies are the spirits in charge of the night hours. No one knows their number but Allah. They are mounted on black mounts. There is a king with the following inscription on the black flag in his hand: "There is no god but Allah, Who determines the night and the day, and creates the darkness and the light".

It is reserved for the devastated places, desolate places, high mountains and rough roads of the earth. This is the reconstruction of the destroyed places of the earth. The seas are held in their places by them, and the stakes of the earth are fixed by them. Without him, parts of the earth would melt, mix with water and flow into the seas. These angels, who are in charge of them, keep them with the permission of Allah, the Aziz and the Majestic. Philosophers call these angels the spirits of Saturn, and the Shariah the angels of wrath, armies, and helpers. They are in charge of receiving souls. The angel of death is one of them[3].

Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, in his book Marifetname, states that the astronomers nicknamed the "geyvan" on the Zühal (Saturn) sky and called it the big ominous and fast turkey. Since the nature of Zühal is extremely cold and dry, it is known that a diurnal male is found and it is known to be the biggest unlucky one. It is sad and sad to look at this. This star has been given the adjectives of stupid, ignorant, stingy, jealous, liar, cursed, sad, lazy, thick-headed and harmful. This star dominated Wednesday night and Saturday day. That night and the first hours of the day were made dependent on it. What we are looking for in brief about the states of these heavens and stars is to see the divine miracles in the universe full of signs, to admire and to know the creator. It is to go through everything and turn to it[4].


[1] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 1, 4. Basım 2020, syf: 104 – 105 [2] Mustafa İloğlu, ed., Gizli İlimler Hazinesi, İstanbul : Seda Yayınları, Şubat 2013, Cilt. 1, Syf: 53 - 79 [3] İhvan-ı Safa Risaleleri, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul: Kayhan Matbaacılık, Cilt.4, 1. Basım, 2014, Syf: 165 [4] Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı, Marifetname, Prof. Dr. Durali Yılmaz, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları, Mart 2016, Cilt 1 Syf: 130 - 218 [1] Gökyüzü Atlası, Evrenin Keşfi : Yıldızlarla, Gezegenler Arasında Bir Yolculuk, İstanbul: 2010 Boyut Yayıncılık, Boyut Matbaacılık A.Ş., Syf : 174 – 176 [2] Prof. Dr. Mustafa TÖZÜN, Kur’an Rehberliğinde Ezoterizm ve Mitoloji, Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, 1.Basım, Mart 2020, syf: 34 [3] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 149 – 150 [4] Merdiven basamakalarını çıkar gibi yavaş yavaş yürümek, merdiven çıkmak. Bir kimseyi bir şeye adım adım, derece derece yaklaştırmak, onu kurduğu tuzağa yaklaştırıp düşürmek, aldatmak. [5] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 8.Cilt, 4. Baskı 2017, syf: 53-57 [6] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 442 [7] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 442 [8] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 88



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