“Indeed, your Lord is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then ascended to the Throne; covering the day with the night that chases him swiftly; It is Allah Who has subdued the sun, moon and stars to His command. “ Verse 54 of Surah Araf
Everyone who is in search of secrets and mystery and who is trying to make sense of the meaninglessness of life is aware that we cannot exist with our pure soul, but we can also realize our soul through our contact with things and elements and our communication with them.

It should be known that things, elements, matter and physical; If it is a door to the intuitively intelligible, knowledge is the key that will open that door. One can reach another place by passing through the door, but the thing that will open the door is a key suitable for the lock.
The Sun, floating in the sky in a place appreciated for itself, is a planet that protects both the Earth and all planets and keeps them alive with its energy, due to the manifestation of the name Rahman. Rahman; Mercy, which means merciful, protecting lovingly and pityingly, is a word derived from the root of the soul. As it can be understood from the meaning of the word, in a way, the Sun gives life to both those living on Earth and other planets in our Galaxy, with the energy and heat it emits, bringing the darkness to light.
Aside from the effects of the things in the Galaxy we are in, the day we do not see the Sun physically, the Sun that we cannot start the day cheerfully; When Galileo squinted his eyes, the perfection of our star ended in his eyes. It had dark spots on it, it was spinning around, and when looked carefully, very high flames, lightning and light spots could be seen on it… but in order to analyze the activities of the Sun in a quantitative way and to explain the observations with theories, the 19th century discoveries about the atom and Einstein's discovery of matter it is necessary to wait for the equation that connects the energy. Today we know a lot about the dynamics of the Sun. Although there is much more to learn, what we know helps us better understand all the other stars[1].
The energy created by nuclear reactions inside the Sun, which is neither as big as a giant star nor as small as a dwarf star, is dispersed in different ways inside the Sun and in the space surrounding it. Heat is emitted in the solar gas by both the increased motion of the particles that make up the plasma and the emergence of enormous convective currents. The sound is similar to the booming sound of supersonic airplanes causing rapid displacement of large masses of gas. The Sun's electromagnetic radiation propagates through space like vibrational waves of electric field and magnetic field intensity, and waves that start from the Sun and expand when a stone is thrown into a lake. The electromagnetic energy produced by the Sun spreads in space, moves in a straight line, and continues its spread in space by exceeding the Earth. There are bands of different wavelengths and very different energy properties from each other in the radiation emitted from the sun. These bands are Gamma and X-Rays; Ultraviolet Rays; Visible Light ; It reaches the Earth at different wavelengths as Infrared Rays and Radio Waves[2].
According to the most respected of the phenomena produced to explain the Sun, which is not as unstable as a nova and will continue its life for a long time; There are several concentric shells on the sun, and they have such homogeneous physical properties that they can be distinguished from each other. These shells are named as core, radiative zone, convective zone, photosphere, chromosphere and crown. The sun is a sphere of gases whose equilibrium state is very delicate. The nuclear reactions involved tend to expand the Sun, and gravity tends to pull the Sun toward the center of mass. For every change in internal activity, the Sun expands or contracts. In a moment of intense activity, there is a gigantic eruption shaped by the Sun's magnetic field. In addition, spots and filaments (dark areas), granulation, torch areas (light spots) and flares (white areas) are observed[3].
Sunspots, which were also observed by Chinese astronomers hundreds of years ago, are mentioned in the writings of scientists from almost every nation, from the ancient Greeks to 19th century Russia. For a spot to be visible to the naked eye, it is sufficient to have a diameter of around 40,000 – 45,000 km, which happens on average every 11 years. Spots are events specific to the photosphere and appear dark in color because their temperature is lower than the temperature of the surrounding areas, and appear darker compared to the photosphere. In fact, even the shadow of a speck, that is, the darker region in its center, will appear brighter at night than the Full Moon. Stains have intense magnetic fields. The direction, intensity and structure of the magnetic fields associated with the spots are known, but there is no definite information about their formation. The most accepted theories about the formation of cold regions on the Sun's surface are; Due to the low temperature of the spots, the deflections of the magnetic field, the convection movements are so effective that they manage to lose more of the energy produced by the underlying layers. When the sun is observed with an ultraviolet telescope, it can be observed in yellow, ice blue, emerald and red colors[4].
Solar wind, radiation, and solar plasma current spread and affect the entire Solar System. As you move away from the sun, the particle density becomes different, and differences are observed in the structure of the Earth's ionosphere with the effects of solar wind and radiation. The shape of the Sun's magnetic field is constantly changing. It is sufficient to observe the shape of the corona at the time of the maximum or minimum level of solar activity. As a matter of fact, the crown material takes the shape of the crown ring at a minimum level and is uniform at the maximum level. The magnetic field of the Sun also reaches the Earth and spreads into space[5].
Although science today has advanced a lot compared to the past, it is not even in a position to give an idea that will enable us to create an image in our minds on the way to know the Sun. We don't even know anything about the Earth we live in, let alone the Sun. The path we can take in our effort to reach the core is only 5 km long, and there are thousands of kilometers to travel. No natural event or nuclear explosion can be compared with the nuclear power hidden in the center of the Sun, let alone the simulated explosions created in atomic experiments at CERN. In this case, we will try to describe the Sun, which Science tries to describe with prediction, with our intuition.
When we examine the twin children of Zeus and Letho in Greek mythology; Apollo is the Sun God, Artemis is the Moon Goddess[6]. Apollo was an ideal youth figure in mythology, as well as the god of music, poetry and fine arts. With his complex personality, he was also considered the god of light and sun, archery, medicine, and healing, but was also believed to have the power to cause epidemics and diseases. Considered a great oracle god, the most famous oracle house in Delphi was dedicated to him[7]. Apollo and Daphne, the god of love Eros, mocking his archery skills, makes Apollo fall in love with Nympha Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneios and Creousa. Falling in love, Apollo had another suitor, Leucippos, killed in order to get the girl. Determined to remain a virgin, Daphne runs away from him. Standing by the river, he asks his father to protect him. Peneios turns it into a laurel tree; so that their feet turn into roots and their arms into branches. Apollo puts on and distributes laurel wreaths in his memory[8].
When we move on to Apollo, Celtic mythology, Belenus and Belisama, whom the Romans likened to their own gods of light, greet us; Belenus was one of the oldest and most popular Celtic deities. He was worshiped not only in the Celtic region of Britain, but also in Gaul, Austria, Italy and Spain. Beltane, whose name means bright being, was the source of the fire festival, which was associated with the cult of the province. According to the Celts, it was believed to be associated with shepherding, healing, and fountains. His wife, Bellisama, the goddess of fire, water, and metalworking (summer shine), had common features with the Roman goddess Minerva, as well as with the Celtic goddess Brigid[9].
In Asia, Amaterasu, the daughter of Izanagi and a Sun goddess, is believed to be descended from the Japanese Imperial family. Amaterasu initially rules in Takama No Hara (high sky plain) with his younger brother, the storm god Susanu. However, Susanu's reckless behavior, such as throwing a flayed horse into Amaterasu's sacred chamber, causes friction between the two. After many fights, Susanu is driven from the sky and the Sun Goddess begins to rule the land of Kamiler alone[10]. Amatarasu, who started to rule the land of Kamiler alone after the fight, closed in a cave and thus plunged the whole world into darkness. The frenzied dance of another goddess named Amanuzme in front of the cave makes the other gods laugh. Curious about these sounds, Amaterasu pushes the stone mower that blocks the entrance of the cave and looks outside. He is fascinated when he sees his own beauty in a mirror held in front of him, so he leaves the cave[11].
In ancient Egyptian mythology, Horus was associated with the sky. The sun was his right eye and the moon his left eye. Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, fought against his uncle Set to take the throne of his father. Attempting to exploit Horus' weaknesses, Set's efforts ultimately failed[12].
The Birth of Horus is the result of Osiris impregnating the sleeping Isis with a flash of lightning. When Isis awakens, she happily announces to the other gods that she is pregnant with a future son. Atum warns that he must be careful otherwise Set will find out about the pregnancy and cause a miscarriage. Then Isis hid in the marshes and gave birth to Horus. In the fights for the throne of Osiris, the eye of Horus, which is said to be the Moon, is severely injured by the blow of Set, and they associate the Moon's dim light compared to the Sun with this situation. Horus also cripples Set's testicles in retaliation. Thoth puts on a balm and reinvigorates Horus' eye. Horus was often invoked in healing incantations, as the sick also hoped to be healed in this way. Vacet hamays were also considered influential. Depictions of the eye of Horus, which are believed to help the rebirth process, are found in their tombs[13].
Of all the mythological expressions of the Sun; Thanks to kings, heroes and emperors, we can say that history prevails in places where it progresses. The Samoyeds say that the Sun and the Moon are the eyes of Num (Sky). The sun is the good eye, the moon is the evil eye. It is the identification of the supreme being of the sky with the Sun. It is a common occurrence in Africa. Many African peoples call the "Supreme Being" the Sun. The Sun Myth, which created the human race, and the lineage and family relationships between the Sun God and people of a certain class are noteworthy phenomena. Relationships between humans and the Sun in Australia may also be valid on another plane. Human initiation ceremonies identify with the Sun[14].
The sun becomes the first example of "death", which is resurrected every morning. Unlike the Moon, the Sun has the privilege of passing through hell without dying. In New Zealand and the New Hebrides, the belief was born that anyone who watches the sunset will die. On other islands in Polynesia, the westernmost corner of the earth is called the hopping place of spirits. Hittite kings or Babylonian kings had the titles or names of the Sun or Son of the Sun, Descendants of the Sun. No religion has been more influenced by sun worship than the Egyptian religion. The sun is in Greece second only to Italy. In Rome, the cult of the sun entered the empire through the oriental gnostics and, alongside the cult of emperors, developed quite artificially in this empire as a foreign cult. According to Sukta Parusha in India, the Sun was born from the eye of the cosmic giant Purusha. So much so that when a person dies, his body and soul go to the cosmic camel and his eyes to the Sun. Buddha is identified with the Sun as the ruler of the universe. By constantly dedicating prisoners to the Sun, Mexicans want to ensure the continuity of the sun, because they believe that blood will replenish the sun's depleted energy[15].
In Near Eastern mythology, we see that the name of the sun god was Utu in Sumerians and Shamash in Akkad. Every morning, Utu sets out from the mountains in eastern Mesopotamia. After shining light for the living during the day, he visits the Netherworld while traveling in the opposite direction from west to east[16].
In the Legend of Marduk Mercury, Mummu; Venus, Lahamu ; Mars, Lahmu ; Ay, Kingu ; Jupiter, Kishar ; Saturn, Anshar; Pluto was Jesus Beak. The most crucial point of this legend is Tiamad. Today, there is an "astroid belt" between Mars and Jupiter. Whereas, this asteroid belt is the remnants of a planet that once existed but was shattered by a collision. This planet is Tiamat in the Mesopotamian Creation Legend[17].
Let's face India, the original Yoga system: the Sanskrit word Nadi means Energy channel. There are hundreds of thousands of Nadis that make up the energy body in the human body. The Nadis are connected with the chakras, which are the energy input-output vortices. Energy centers are places where bodily, mental and emotional energies come into contact with each other on a physical level. The universal energy called Prana is the force that connects the bodily and mental level, the mental and the emotional level. Nadis spread throughout the body from two centers called kandasthane. One of them is in the heart region and the other in the abdomen. The kandasthana, which is in the abdominal region, which is called Kanda Mula, is twelve fingers above the anus and is egg-shaped. From this center, 72,000 Nadis spread throughout the body. The three most important of these are Susumna Nadi, Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi. Susumna Nadi is an energy channel connected with the 7 basic chakras located at the spine level. In Sanskrit, Sushumna means "direct way". The Pingala Nadi channel starts from the right of the Kanda Mula and follows a curved path and reaches the Agya Chakra, called the 3rd Eye, from the right side, between the two eyebrows. This channel carries solar energy. The energy channel related to our subject is Ida Nadi. Ida Nadi starts from the left of the Kanda Mula, follows a curvy path and approaches the Agya Chakra from the left. Solar energy flows through the Pingala channel, which performs the physiological functions of the body. In the Ida Channel, the energy of the Moon flows, which performs the intuitive and emotional functions of the body. Solar energy is related to left brain activities. It is associated with the sympathetic nervous system in the autonomic nervous system. The Moon is associated with the para-sympathetic nervous system in the Autonomic nervous system. The purpose of yoga is to balance the energy of the Sun and the Moon[18].
Night, day, Sun and Moon are His signs. Do not prostrate to the Sun or the Moon. Prostrate to Allah, He is the One Who created them.
(Surah Fussilet, Verse 37)
When we pass from the legends to the narrations through similes, it is necessary to mention the work of the Islamic Philosopher Ibn Arabi, Fütühattı Mekkiyye, of the imitator and rationalist who visited the Sun. In this work, the imitator encounters the Prophet Idris and the rationalist encounters the spirit of the Sun star. İdris tells the imitator that the divine works will change and Hz. It teaches the truth of the Prophet's saying, "The heart is between the two fingers of Rahman." In this sky, he learns that night covers the day and the day covers the night, and that each of them is once a male and a female for the other. He learns the secret of the merger and fusion between night and day, and the descendants who come into existence during the day and night. The imitator learns about death, life, surprise, confusion, stasis, love and mercy, as well as learning about the ghayb, martyrdom, concealment and manifestation in this sky. In addition to this, he learns from the name ez-Zahir the things that appear in the inner manifestations from the name of al-Bat, and the things that occur in ez-Zahir according to the aptitudes of the mazhars from the name of al-Bat[19].
Every scientific subject that occurs on Sunday is from the substance of Idris. Every sublime work that occurs in the elements of air and fire on that day is due to the Sun's swimming and God's gaze at the Sun with the things He has entrusted. Every work consisting of the elements of water and earth on Sunday is also from the movement of the fourth sphere. The sciences that occur for the person assigned to that region from the costs are knowing the secrets of spirituality, knowing the light and enlightenment, knowing the lightning and the present, knowing every luminous object and why it is enlightened, knowing the nature of the temperament that makes it enlightened. As examples of luminous objects, firefly, roots of the fig tree, pearl and ruby, linear movement, separation of the ruling spirits, explaining ambiguous situations, solving problems in closed problems, knowing the tunes of fortunes and wheels, knowing what spiritual meanings and fragrances end in itself and what makes them fragrant. We can give topics such as knowing the temperament, why they turned to it, knowing whether it is an accident or a gem. This information is obtained and learned from the spirit of the prophet in it[20]. The rank of this Bedel in his motto is the verse "I wish I were soil". Land is the fourth element that claims the center according to those who accept the idea of center. Therefore the point of the sphere has nothing closer to the ground. That point is the reason for the existence of the environment. This price wants to be closer to Allah, that is, to the one who creates things, and closeness can only be achieved through humility. There is no one lower than the earth in humility. Soil is the source of knowledge and the boiling place of rivers. The things that fall from the squeezed clouds are the vapors of the moisture rising from the ground. In this respect, as springs and rivers spring from the soil, the vapors come out of the soil into the air. So they turn into water and fall as rain. Therefore, the fourth price is allocated to the fourth element[21].
Agrippa, on the other hand, in his Secret Philosophy or Philosophy of Magic, shared a fidelity with the auspicious Sun to be engraved on a gold plate, leading to the renewal of the wearer, to be a lovable, acceptable, powerful man in his affairs, a man equal to kings and princes. With an sinister sun, a tyrant creates a proud, passionate, greedy, malicious man[22].
Mustafa İloğlu, who compiles the Treasure of Hidden Sciences, does not accept arguments about those under the influence of the Sun. They are proud. The feelings of honor, dignity, self-esteem and humanity are very high. Even in the face of the greatest interest, they do not make the slightest sacrifice of their self and their pride, they do not submit to anyone, and they hate to be flattered and flattered. Their lives are very simple, they want to do good to everyone. They are generally introverted people. They are afraid to reveal their feelings. They have an organizational spirit. They can progress in a short time in both civil service and business life. Strength, violence, wrath, feeling and rikkat, daya, chastity, wealth and intelligence are the main influences[23].
Returning to Agrippa again, he mentioned in the same book that it is difficult to clearly determine the relationship of the elements with the stars, and he said that something can be known through the imitation of the lights of a star or constellation, its motion, or the shape of what is above it. Again in this book; Some are known for their colors and scents, some for the influence of their workings, their response to the stars. In this case, among the elements, the transparent flame is pure-blood Sunshine from the waters, or is under the power of the Sun. Among the flavors, it is sharp, sweetish, and among the metals it is golden sunscreen for its splendor. Garnet, aetite, iris, jade, emerald, bloodstone, Yemenite, profilite (Pyrophylus), pantura[24], topaz, chrysopassus, ruby, balagius stones are solar. Marigold, peony, swayed, belesan, ginger, gentian, vermilion, verbena, sunwort. Trees such as hackberry, laurel, cedar, palm, ash, ivy, vine are sun-loving. Mint, mastic, turmeric, balsam, amber, musk, yellow honey, eucalyptus, clove, cinnamon, rattan, pepper, frankincense, sweet marjoram, deer root are sun-loving. The lion, the crocodile, the spotted wolf, the ram, the boar, the bull, the baboon, the eagle, the vulture, the swan, the rooster, the crow, and the hawk are sun-eagle [25]. Found in the descriptions.
Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı states in his book Marifetname that astronomers call the Sun's sphere the magnificent sultan, and that the Sun, which illuminates the world, is the most famous and luminous of all stars, and the largest according to most scholars; Nights, days, months and years have found order with its movement. Many great deeds have been accomplished by his decrees. In the middle of the seven planets, it is supposed to be a lantern of light. The middle office was his resting place to offer light to those below and above him. The nature of the Sun is moderate temperature and dryness, and diurnal males have been found. It is named as the middle blessed. Its attributes are strength, violence, anger, wrath, demand, feeling, delicacy, modesty and chastity[26].
Finally, the following explanations were made about the energy emitted from the Sun in the Ikhwan-i Safa Treatises;
“O brother! Know that from the circle of the Sun descends to the earthly realm a circle belonging to the place of angels, whom philosophers call spirits. They have qualities worthy of them in the field of shar'a secrets and religious sciences and their actions attributed to them. They are known for these qualities and are characterized by what makes them stand out about them. Their deeds, as we have mentioned before about all aspects, are the things that are peculiar to the kings and are peculiar to them. All the plants, minerals and assets there are of high value and great glory. The verbs peculiar to them and the adjectives attributed to them are life, warmth, balance, perfection, completeness, goodness, beauty, brightness, luminosity, light, sublimity and splendor spreading from the heart to the body. These are the deeds of the spirits of the Sun in the treatment, the king who spread from them to the world and whose clothes were made of yellow silk cloth, his ornaments were red gold, his crowns were headdresses with ore, his mounts were brown horses and yellow horses, and on their heads was a good king with a yellow banner and a great person, with a light written in his hand. and the ranks of the angels descending into the place of sultans: There is no god but Allah. He is a noble and trustee. He is the one who gives life to every living thing. He is the one who makes the Sun and the Moon a sign for those who contemplate on the creation of the heavens and the earth. He created it only as a right. Your majestic Lord is above what they describe: "Say: O Allah, the owner of the property, you give property to whomever you wish, you take it away from whom you wish; you elevate whom you wish and humiliate whom you wish. Goodness is in your hands. You have power over all things."
These angels, who have these qualities and are at these degrees, are born with their birth and set with their setting. These are the angels responsible for their circle, penetrating their realms and communicating with the earthly realm through them. Spiritual power shines with them, mental power is enlightened with them. Then their persons are nafs, their souls are rational, and their matter is divine. Space is not narrow for them; The length of time does not change their verbs or spatial existence.
This rank is the highest rank of supreme spirituals. They are angels who have come close. Below them are those who follow them and above them are angels characterized by other attributes. This is so until there are higher and higher persons above them. Because they are spiritual in their essence, and they are related to the physical due to the actions that occur in them. When you think about what we have told you and when the things we have mentioned come true for you, you can acquire an angelic image, possess virtue and humanity, and move away from animal form and attributes. Thus, with your purified soul and enlightened soul, you become one of the inhabitants of the sky. Your form becomes self and nafs, your soul becomes holy and your mind becomes materially divine.[27]! “
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