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Astrology for Beginners: The Mystery of the Number Seven, its Mystical Meaning and Astrology

Writer: Orhan Oğuz YILMAZOrhan Oğuz YILMAZ

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed that grows seven Virgos, in which there are a hundred (700) crops. Allah gives as much to whom He wills.”

Verse 261 of Surat Al-Baqara

It will be beneficial when starting the education to strengthen our intuition and perception by gaining knowledge about the mysteries of the seven before we have the knowledge of the seven ancient planets.

Astrology for Beginners: The Mystery of the Number Seven, its Mystical Meaning and Astrology
Astrology for Beginners: The Mystery of the Number Seven, its Mystical Meaning and Astrology

In the ancient past and today, we attribute important meanings to numbers. Whether we are aware of it or not, we act with numbers, thinking sometimes as a religious ritual and sometimes as traditions from the past, without questioning why or why. This situation is not only valid for a certain group, every people has their own philosophy. Societies give meaning to numbers in their religious rites, determination of holidays, symbols and dogmas. They say that seven of the deceased came out today for those who left, and seventy of them are what they are to those who come. Pilgrims circumambulate the Kaaba seven times, seven steps are built to the mihrab in mosques, but the reason is mostly not wondered.

Thinking about the wisdom of the number seven, the Islamic Philosopher Ibn Arabi, in his work Fütuhattı Mekkiyye, said that the number seven was "Since the human being exists in Virgo, his rule period has been seven thousand years. Thus he came into existence in the seventh order of duration. Only a person who identifies with the truth of the seven can carry the trust. He is the seventh of the costs[1].” it gives deep meanings with its determination. According to Islam, in creation, Allah gives the task of carrying the trust to the mountains. It doesn't end with that, and "When the judgment reached the head, the creation of man was revealed by the grace of the saintly and all-knowing[2]. From the Virgo era, the rule will pass to the Libra era, which is the time of the Day of Judgment[3]. Allah says: “On that day, we will put the scales of justice, and no one will be treated unfairly. Even if it's the size of a mustard seed, we'll bring it out. We are sufficient as the reckoners.[4]", he mysteriously associates the time of judgment with the number seven. Hundreds of years before Ibn Arabi, the Pythagoreans accepted the number seven as the vehicle of human life and accepted this number as the number that appropriately perfects life by encompassing the whole, not in parts.

Considering the mystery of the number seven and analyzing the Qur'an by making selective perception, it is observed that the number seven is mentioned in various verses; “Hell has seven gates. A door is reserved for each door from them.” ; “We have indeed created seven paths above you[5].” ; “Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, the Lord of the mighty Throne? ask[6].” Apart from these, there are verses in which the number seven is mentioned in suras such as Fussilet, Talak, Mulk, Noah and Nebe. In a remarkable verse; While talking about the Companions of the Kehf (Seven sleepers), “….they are three people, the fourth is their dog. They will say that they are five, the sixth is their dog, and they are seven, and the eighth is their dog….[7]” Here, although all numbers are prime numbers, therefore odd numbers, there is a meaning directed from odd to even, to complement. However, since our topic is Seven, there is no need to go into details.

If we go back to the number seven, not only in Islamic Philosophy, but much earlier, Hz. The mystery of the number seven is nothing new, even when the mystical number system of Pythagoras appeared 600 before Christ. The occult meaning and combinations of numbers are the subject of contemplation of the sages of all peoples[8]. The number seven was not only considered sacred by the civilized peoples of the ancient period of the East, but was also an object of deep reverence by the later peoples of the West. The astronomical origin of this number is indisputable. Human, who has felt that he is dependent on celestial forces since the earliest times, has always and in everything made the sky dominate the world. Thus the greatest and brightest celestial bodies became in his eyes the most important and highest powers; It suffered the same fate on the planets that the entire ancient world counted as seven. As time passed, the seven planets turned into seven divine beings. The ancient Egyptians had seven primeval and supreme gods, the Phoenicians had seven tombs, the Persians had Mithra's seven holy horses, and the Pharisees had seven heavenly worlds opposed to the seven demons. In order to present this idea in a more concrete form, seven gods are often depicted as seven-headed deities. We encounter the concept of seven heavens in almost all religious systems, since the entire sky obeys the seven planets[9].

Regarding the concept of the seven heavens, Ibn Arabi said, “There are seven men in the sky who protect the seven regions at seven costs. Every cost has a region and every region has a spirit. Each of these men has a power that comes from the spirit of the prophets in these heavens. These are Halil Ibrahim, Musa, Harun, Idris, Yusuf, Isa and Adam. John, on the other hand, comes and goes between Jesus and Aaron. Power descends from the hearts of these Prophets to the hearts of the seven costs. While they are swimming in the seven planets, they look at themselves with the secret, knowledge and sublime works that Allan entrusted to them and the movements of these seven heavens. Allah says, "He revealed His command to every sky." It is found in their hearts every day and hour according to what the authority of that hour and day gives.[10] It is explained with the words “.

It is possible to list the researches of the authors, who pursue the mystery and secret related to the value attributed to the number seven in both Islam and other religions and beliefs, as follows;

Let us begin with the astronomical and religious calculations of the ancient Roman pagans, who divided the week into seven days and considered the seventh as the solstice or Sunday of Jupiter the holiest. All modern Christians and most Protestants still worship on Sundays to this day[11].

There are "seven doors", seven altars, and seven secrets in Mithra's mystical cult. The holy priests and clergy of many peoples of the East are divided into seven levels; He ascends seven steps to the altars, and the candles of the temples are lit in seven-candlesticks. Some Masonic lodges still have seven or fourteen degrees today.

Belief in the sapta loka in the religion of Brahmanism is tied to the ancient philosophy, and who knows, perhaps this idea itself was born in Aryavarta, the cradle of all philosophies and the mother of later religions. The ancient Egyptian dogma of metapsychosis or transmigration explained the seven stages of purification and the doctrine of rapid perfection; The Buddhists also quoted the same idea, which they allegorically described as the seven tiers or eaves of the temple, not from the Egyptians but from the Aryans of India[12].

In the Ramayana epics, seven gardens are mentioned in the palaces of the Indian kings, seven gates are usually opened to the famous temples and settlements of ancient history, it is interesting that in the tenth century after Christ, the people of the Frisia (Netherlands) province paid great attention to the number seven in the division of the province, and votives worth seven pfennig. they have requested. The Holy Roman empire had seven princely electors. The Huns, under the leadership of seven khans, established seven cities known as Siebenbürgen (Yedişehir, Transylvania).

If Pagan Rome was founded on seven hills, Constantinople also has seven names; Byzantion, Antonina, Nova Roma, Constantinople, Separating the Continents of the World, Treasure of Islam and Istanbul; In addition to all these, this city is also called the city of seven hills or seven towers. According to the Muslims, it was besieged seven times and conquered in seven weeks by the seventh sultan of the Ottoman empire. According to the beliefs of the peoples of the East, these planetary spheres correspond to the seven rings that women carry in the seven regions of their bodies; head, neck, hands, feet, ears, nose and waist; Today, the grooms of the east still present these seven rings to their brides. Iranian songs praise the beauty of woman in her seven splendors[13].

The psalmist says, “Give back into the bosom of our neighbors seven times as many reproaches as against us.” That's why there are seven evils, as it was said in Solomon, we read in the Bible that there are seven evil souls. It also indicates the time of the current cycle; because it ends in seven days. It is also blessed for the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament Genesis Enoch book; the seventh is the rest day of God, the pious holy man is the seventh generation from Adam. There is another man in the seventh generation from Adam, this man is a lame named Lamech. Cain's woe will be lifted in the seventh generation. As written, Kabul will be punished seven times. Seven times seven of all clean animals will be brought aboard. After the seventh day God made it rain on the earth, and on the seventh day deep wells, springs, opened up and flooded the earth. The people of Israel mourned the death of Jacob for seven days. Moreover, we read in the same place that seven cattle, seven ears of wheat, seven years of abundance and seven years of famine are mentioned. Moses stopped praying on the seventh day. (The dream interpretation of Prophet Yusuf in the Qur'an of seven years of famine and seven years of abundance is also mentioned in the Torah.)

Jesus stood in the tomb for 7 days, ended his speech with 7 pleas, the Hebrew servant fought with himself for 7 years for freedom. After Jesus Christ fed four thousand people with 7 (seven) loaves of bread and a few small fish, food increased to 7 pans. Before the throne of God stood seven spirits, before the throne seven angels stood. Seven trumpets were given to them. He saw a lamb with seven horns and seven eyes. He saw a book sealed with seven seals, when the seventh seal was opened there was silence in heaven[14].

God created seven doors to hell. On each door, he divided a piece of realm and torment[15]. Ancient Greece had seven sages, the seven free arts of the Christian middle ages (grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy). The Muslim sheikh al-Islam calls seven ulama for every important meeting. In medieval times, an oath is taken in front of seven witnesses, and blood is sprinkled seven times on the person who takes the oath. Processions walk around the temple seven times, and believers must kneel seven times before taking the oath. Muslim pilgrims circumambulate the Kaaba seven times when they come to Mecca. Sacred bowls and cups are made of gold and silver, which has been purified seven times. A place with seven trees is chosen for the ancient Germanic courts, seven qadis sit under the seven trees and seven witnesses are demanded[16]. Seven important rivers were counted in the Ancient East (Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Ceyhun, Jakartes, Araks and Indus); It had seven important treasures, seven cities full of gold, seven miracles of the world. Fields fall fallow in the seventh year. Seven ages of the world, seven changes of man, seven free arts, seven restoratives, seven forbidden arts, seven colors, seven metals, seven holes in the head of man, seven pairs of nerves, seven hilly cities, seven wise people… Seven sleepers, seven secular, there are seven religious hours, seven steps at the altar, seven rituals, seven orders of priests, seven commandments on the second plate[17]

There are 7 stars in the Ursa Major constellation. Similarly, there are seven stars called Süreyya with seven lamps, and seven planets according to the seven days that make up the week. The seven planets are always at the same distance from each other and revolve in the same orbits; This movement inspired the idea of literary universal harmony. The Moon is the seventh of the planets, this number is observed more by the Moon. The moon passes the entire zodiac in twenty-eight days. It similarly scatters its light for seven days, alternatingly. The middle rises in the first seven days, as if dividing the world. In the second seven days it fills the entire globe with light. On the third seven days it contracts into a split sphere, and after the last seventh day it is renewed as its light wanes. Again, in seven days, the light increases and the sea decreases[18]. In this context, the number seven took on a special holiness and remained important to astrologers forever. [19].

The seven planets and spheres are also used as a model of state and organization. China is divided into seven provinces and ancient Persia into seven satrapies. According to Arab legend, seven angels cooled the Sun with ice and snow so that it would not turn the world to ashes, and seven thousand angels activate it every morning. The Ganges and Nile, the two oldest rivers of the East, have seven mouths each. The number seven has also written its name on the temple and palace architecture. The famous Churingam shrine is surrounded by seven square walls of seven colours, with a seven-step pyramid rising in the middle of each wall; Likewise, the Borsipa Temple of the pre-Diluvial and today's Bors-Nimrod also had seven floors, symbolizing the seven rings of the seven spheres, each of which was built of bricks and metals compatible with the color of the planet ruled by the sphere of that floor[20].

As it can be understood, when we analyze our environment and past works in the light of this information, it will be observed that the number seven has been embroidered on all things for thousands of years.

I hope this information will be useful in the development of our intuition to a degree that will increase our awareness and cause us to be amazed.

Stay aware…


[1] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 443 [2] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2.Cilt, 6. Baskı 2020, syf: 390 [3] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2.Cilt, 6. Baskı 2020, syf: 391 [4] Kur’an-ı Kerim, Enbiya Suresi, 47. Ayet [5] Kur’an-ı Kerim, Müminin Suresi, 17. Ayet [6] Kur’an-ı Kerim, Müminin Suresi, 86. Ayet [7] Kur’an-ı Kerim, Kehf Suresi, 22. Ayet [8] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 151 [9] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 152 [10] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 1.Cilt, 10. Baskı 2020, syf: 439 [11] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 155 [12] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 153 [13] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 155 - 156 [14] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 51 - 56 [15] İbn Arabi, Fütuhatı Mekkiyye, Çeviren Ekrem Demirli, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2.Cilt, 6. Baskı 2020, syf: 404 [16] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 157 [17] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 51 - 56 [18]Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Gizli Felsefe ya da Büyü Felsefesi, Çeviren Levent Özşer, İsanbul: Biblos Kitapevi, Yıldız Matbaa, Cilt 2, 3. Basım 2019, syf: 48 – 50 [19] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 156 [20] H. P. Blavatsky, Okült Araştırmalar, İstanbul: Mavi Kalem Yayınevi, Ezgi Matbaacılık, 3. Baskı, Temmuz 2020, Syf: 154



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